The Cat Was Out Of the Bag and It Rained Hell on My Life

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This one is dedicated to prettycurls22. You must read her story Curves Are Beautiful.

The Cat Was Out Of the Bag and It Rained Hell on My Life 

# Alexander #  

My thoughts were fuzzy and understanding left me high and dry. I was walking towards Samantha's house. I had to talk to her. I still couldn't believe that I had a son. Samantha knew she was pregnant and didn't tell me. I thought back to last night after AJ had stormed out and Samantha ran after him. 

I looked at everyone around the table. Zane was looking at the ceiling, clear disappointment in his eyes. Maya was rubbing his forearm in a soothing manner. Jordyn was pinching her nose bridge and breathing heavily through her nose while Lucas was looking away from everyone. My eyes landed on Vanessa and I could see the anger blazing her brown eyes. She was gritting her teeth and seemed to be trying really hard not to jump across this table for me. 

"A child?" she grounded out. In the back of my mind I heard her loud and clear but in reality, I decided to ignore her. I turned to look at Jordyn and Zane. 

"Why didn't you guys tell me?" 

Zane looked at me and I could see the hurt and grief in his eyes. "It wasn't our secret to share." 

"Secret?" I spat at him. "AJ is no secret. I've written you guys for the last twelve years and none of you thought to mention that Sam had a son....for me! Why would you keep that from me?" 

Jordyn turned to look at me. It was always Jordyn who knew the answers. Even though she was tough as nails, she understood better than anyone and was there to dole out solid and useful advice. 

"As Zane has just so nicely told you, it wasn't our secret to share. You know Sam would have told you in a heartbeat that she was pregnant for you. She wanted to tell but you know the reason why she couldn't. Sam never meant to keep AJ from you. You of all people know what we went through as children. Our mother kept the existence of our father from us for thirteen years; let us believe that he was dead. Sam would never do that to AJ. He knows you exist; he just didn't know Sam was that close to you. Don't blame her for this. Talk to her," she looked at Vanessa who was venting. "Before your fiancée comes to any ridiculous conclusions. Good night, Alexander. It was nice seeing you again." 

Jordyn took Lucas' hand and the two of them left the table. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the chair. 

"Take her advice," I heard Zane say. "You know Sam would listen to you." 

I heard nothing more for a few minutes and when I opened my eyes, Zane and Maya were gone. Vanessa was still sitting at the end of the table, the anger still in her eyes. 

"A child, Alexander? How could you? Why did you not tell me?" Vanessa asked. 

"I didn't know about him, Vanessa!" I spat at her. "I didn't know Sam was pregnant." 

She stood up and walked over to my chair. I didn't know how she did it but she managed to look graceful when she stomped over to me. Vanessa folded her arms across her chest and glared at me. 

"I am not talking about that. I could care less about your illegitimate child! I am talking about you getting Samantha pregnant," she snarled. "I did not know that you so close to your best friend!" 

I immediately jumped up and glowered at her. "That's what you are angry about? That I got Sam pregnant? It was one night!" 

She stepped closer to me and glared into my eyes. "It may have been one night but unfortunately, you seem to work fast because she ended up pregnant! I am supposed to have your children not her!" Vanessa stepped back and closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were cold and distant. "Figure out what you are going to do with that child. You are either with me or you are with her." She looked at me one last time before she stomped out of the room. 

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