Where the Wildflowers Grow

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I want to go where the wildflowers grow,

To a place where the land,

Meets the sea.

I want to know,

A place where,

My mind can finally be free.

I feel so trapped,

By these concrete walls,

That keep creeping in.

I feel so caged, so restricted,

And left alone with all of my sins.

I want to say something,

Maybe scream out a cry,

So that I can find some help.

My voice carries over nothing,

And a little part of me dies,

As I realize there is no one there.

Nobody seems to care.

I want to go to a place,

Far away,

Where animosity is nothing but a joke.

Where discrimination, hatred, and anger,

Won't wake the sleeping bear,

That they try to poke.

I hate this conformity,

This ideal,

That we all try to seek.

Perfection isn't something,

That you think you can achieve,

In the matter of one week.

Try as we might,

To strive to achieve,

Our boundless goals,

With nothing but ragged clothes,

On the back of our skin.

The journey breaks us,

Stripping our hope within.

The world just doesn't work that way.

When we are at our lowest point,

It kicks us from the refuge we stay.

It beats us when we try to fight back,

And takes what you need,

Leaving you naked with nothing but a rucksack,

To cover your pitiful form.

It doesn't have to be this way,

I desperately wish.

But I can barely make enough,

To put food on that dish.

I don't want to turn to thievery;

I don't want to turn to crime,

But I can't help but want,

The things that aren't mine.

I want to go to a place,

Where the wildflowers grow.

I want to go to a place,

Where the sky is the endless show,

That continues into the sea.

I want to go to a place,

Where I can finally be me.

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