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Like how Icarus tried to touch the sun,

With his wings constructed from feathers, wax, and lye,

Selfishness and foolishness,

Will cause a soul to wither and die.

Temptations and guilt might lead one astray,

To a lonely road in the wrong way.

Feel not weak of heart,

Draw strength and courage,

From deep within, at the start.

Travel and trudge, along an impassable way,

The journey may be difficult but,

Launch yourself fully into the fray.

Have no hesitation, in your situation,

Boldly go, into the unknown you know,

Let not misfortune keep you at bay,

And you will be able to see another day.

Don't fear, let your intuition guide you through,

The dimly lit tunnel,

As a bright light shining from you.

Reach for it, grasp it,

In your burning and tired arms,

Keep it away, from wickedness,

Safe away from harm.

And like how the Red Sea parted,

That fateful day,

Let your hope guide you,

To the correct way.

March on forward, to the pass,

And you will be able to see,

The City of Glass.

Look not in envy, look not towards crime,

The mirrored walls will reflect,

Everything in due time.

So, look at your reflection,

In the glass castle hall,

Do you not see what I see?

A weary traveler,

Who is just about to fall,

And finally, be free.

Reach Above and BeyondKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat