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It starts as a small seed scattered with little care,

Not much is thought of it,


Then it takes root,

Thrusting its delicate tendrils into the ground,

Taking nutrients and space,

Wanting to grow,

But along with it,

Sorrow we sow.

We water it,

We care for it,

Inadvertently we encourage it,

Allow it to grow.

We let it take root,

In our darkest thoughts,

Our spitefulness,

Our hatred,

Our jealousy,

Not thinking about the output.

Is it to reap the benefits,

To feel satisfaction,

To feel emotion,

To feel needed,

To be human,

The world may never know.

Only in our minds,

We continue to grapple,

With this imaginary foe.

No one can see it,

Except yourself,

This is one battle you must fight,

In a place where only you can find.

Feel not afraid,

Feel not alone,

For there is hope,

No matter where you go.

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