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Standing in the corner of the hospital room, Thana watches neutrally as the small girl lay in the bed peacefully about to take her last breath

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Standing in the corner of the hospital room, Thana watches neutrally as the small girl lay in the bed peacefully about to take her last breath. Casey Collins had developed leukemia as a toddler and fought hard, but unfortunately for her, it just her time.

Thana took a small breath as she watched the parents and staff cry as the girl closed her eyes never to open them again, this was the price of being Death having to watch a child leave this world in such a horrible way, but the was nature, and it was Thana's job to keep the balance.

Casey's death was already written and had been for a few years.

There was no escaping it no matter how many rounds of chemo or medication, they could only prolong her life for a little while, and that's why little Casey went so peacefully because they all knew it was her time.

Thana guessed this is what her brother tried to understand about her, she was ruthless when it came to getting Sam Lawton and his friends back on the plan, but little Casey got to leave this world in comfort knowing her family would move on in time and she would always be loved.

What Castiel didn't understand was that she had to keep the world's balance, too much war made the world a bad place, but too much peace made it vulnerable. Everything had to be in order, and death was no different.

But how was one able to keep the balance between life and death when the two did everything possible to eliminate the other?


Distant thunder echoes loudly inside the cabin, making Alex wonder if the rickety building would stay up in a bad storm, especially when Death is hell-bent on claiming him.

Alex sighs balling up old newspapers and throws them into the fireplace like a game to keep himself busy, he begins to crumble the local news before pausing as a headline underneath a picture of Mrs. Lewton and the crash catches his attention.

- Flight 180 Survivor under suspicion.

He cocks his head as his eye lower to the yearbook pictures of both Christa Marsh and Blake Dreyer, underneath them is another eye-catching title: "PARENTS TO ESTABLISH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIPS."

His expression reflects a terrifying revelation as the puzzle pieces begin to connect in his mind "I never moved," he mumbled to himself as his eyes moved back and forth quickly "Christa asked me to change, but I never moved. I would have been up next to Tod".

Alex hit the floor as he figured out the plan "Fuck! Why didn't I remember that? I never moved. Clear's seat was in front of mine" as soon as he said those words, a gust of wind blew out the lamp ominously.

"she's next," Alex finalized before recalling the talk he had with Thana hours ago and how she laughed in his face about him not really knowing her plan, she knew Clear was next.

She wasn't trying to reap him, she was there to taunt him.

"Fuck you, Thana!" Alex shouted out as if the redheaded demon could hear him, she probably could, the blond got to his feet no longer worrying about the object around him "You won't get her!".

Alex's eyes widened as the thought of Clear trying to fight off Thana alone, what if she had already begun her plan while keeping him in the dark, making him think that he was next.

He had walked straight into another mind game, hell he had practically given her all the ammo she needs to get into his head.

Alex knew if he could get to Clear before Thana, then he could get his friend skipped, but then Thana would be coming after him. He needed help. "Hey, Angel guy? If you're listening, I need your help now-"

The blond waited for a few minutes, but nothing came "- gee thanks, why did you even bother coming to me if you won't help!" Alex hissed as he grabbed his jacket and ran for the door, "I'll do this myself."


Thana giggles as she watched Clear light a candle after she caused the lights to go out. "One candle isn't going to help you, sweet cheeks."

With Alex up in his little fortress and Castiel missing in action, Thana had free time to play with Clear; the poor girl wouldn't even see her coming just like the others. Thana couldn't help but feel rage when she looked at this teenager, there was just something about her.

However, Thana would be dusting her hands of Clear soon enough. Feeling her eyes turning cloudy, Thana marked every death possible for Clear Rivers, but she was determined to choose the one that would scare her the most.

"Time to play Princess," Thana whispered in Clear's ear, frowning when the girl turned her head as if she felt her there "you know Clear I really don't like you, I have no idea why but you feel like a thorn in my side."

Clear glanced out of the window and gasped, seeing her mutt barking at the electric cable Thana had created as it struck the ground creating a whipping noise. "Really, you're going to save the dog?" Thana tutted as she already foresaw this death, "boooooring."

The teenager quickly put down her candle and threw her coat on as Thana moved across the room, making a gust of wind as she went, subsequently putting out the candle.

Clear's eyes widened in terror as she watched the candle go out "is it you," she whispered so quietly that Thana nearly missed it altogether.

The redhead cocked her head and clicked her tongue. "I see lover boy gave you some handy dandy death tips" this information only annoyed the demon more.

Following the teenager outside, Thana watched in amusement as the girl tried to save her dog from the dangerous power line "Prince! Get away from it!" Clear shouts at the helpless mutt who was chained to a tree.

Thana clicked her fingers, and the circular clothesline is whipped by a power line making sparks fly as the base pole snaps in two. The metal poles plunges into the ground just inches from impaling Clear.

She stumbles but quickly steps aside and continues toward the tree as the clothesline is rolled by the winds across the yard toward the above ground pool where the metal rod punctures the side of the pool.

Water streams from the rupture as Clear reaches the tree and begins unfastening the dog's collar from the chain "Hold on!" Clear cries out to the dog as Thana just rolls her eyes at the attempt to save the dog.

"Oh, you are definitely some kind of vegan or veggie chick, right?" The demon taunted, raising her eyebrows "everyone's an expert now. I like my meat still kicking personally".

The power lines strike one another causing an aggressive flash as the rivets holding the pool frame begin to break and pop open, sending water into the yard. "Ugh, and here you are with an umbrella or death-proof boots."

Water floods, pooling the backyard and begins cascading over Clear's feet as a look of realization and fear take over her for a second. "I really thought you would be more fun to play with," Thana clucked to herself, sitting on a tire swing.

Clear's head whips up, checking the position of the power line which coils, like a cobra, ready to strike at any moment. "Run!" The dog starts to tear off toward the house.

The teenager runs toward the flower lattice leaps and desperately grabs the wood, hanging on, literally for her life. The demon huffs as her eyes roll, turning white as her pupil turns into a terrifying skull "Bored now."

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