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Alex stood in Clear's garage after asking her why she was at Tod's house, and he was beginning to think he'd never get a straight answer from the girl "You know what this is?" She questions, pointing to a weird-looking metal thing

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Alex stood in Clear's garage after asking her why she was at Tod's house, and he was beginning to think he'd never get a straight answer from the girl "You know what this is?" She questions, pointing to a weird-looking metal thing.

"This is a... This is Springy Head Guy" Alex guesses as a circle the sculpture having no idea what it was supposed to be or why Clear was asking him what he thought it could be.

"It's you" Clear answers seriously as Alex remaining dry and stoned faced he tenses feeling uncomfortable. "Not a likeness. It's how you make me feel, Alex" Clear continues as she holds the spring of the metal sculpture.

"I'm sorry" was all the blond boy could say, the sculpture was a mess, to say the least, it was the epitome of poorly communicated teen angst, welded to the center of the spring was a head shaped piece of metal with holes torn into it.

"No. Like you, the sculpture doesn't even know... what or why it is. It's reluctant to take form... and yet creating an absolute...but incomprehensible attraction" Uncertain yet intrigued, Alex listens carefully as Clear turns to him.

"In four years of high school, we haven't said one word to each other. At that moment, on the plane, I felt what you felt," She admits as Alex stares at her in shock "I didn't even know where those emotions came from... until you started freaking out".

Alex sighs, embarrassed, but Clear continues, "I didn't see what you saw, but I felt it. You can still feel it, can't you? Something from that day is still with you" The blond is increasingly uncomfortable with the subject, but eased by Clear's apparent, somewhat, understanding.

He nods with his hands firmly planted in his pockets "I felt like something was trying to warn me, to help me but then..." Alex glances into Clear's eyes as she motions for him to continue, "now I feel like something is wrong, something bad is coming."

"I know, I can still feel you," Clear explains, stepping closer to Alex. "That's why I was there last night," She finally acknowledges as Alex moves away in distress.

"I've never dealt with death before. This could all be in our head," he states, picking up one of Clear's trinkets and staring at it. "It just feels like it's all around us," He revealed quietly as if he himself thought it sounded crazy.

"It?" Clear questioned as she repeated the word making Alex turn back to her quickly and lowering his voice. "What if Tod was just the first of us"

The idea sends a shot of apprehension through Clear "Is that something that you're 'feeling?'" she emphasized the word feeling knowing Alex would get what she was asking, but the boy just breathed, walking past her.

"I don't know. I wish I could see him one last time. Maybe I would know," The boy said with a huff sounding hopeless. "Then let's go see him" Alex watches Clear in surprise, but he follows after her all the same.

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