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Laying on the red velvet couch, Thana let out a sigh while ranting about her life and wildly gesturing with her hands as she talked, "It's like he thinks he's better than me because he's an angel

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Laying on the red velvet couch, Thana let out a sigh while ranting about her life and wildly gesturing with her hands as she talked, "It's like he thinks he's better than me because he's an angel. Just because he was born before my father fell from grace means nothing".

The redhead turned her head to face the Psychiatrist who was curled up in his chair, cowering while she talked "but I've got a plan, oh yes I do" Thana sat up with a giddy smile on her pale face.

A beat passes as the Demon waits for him to ask what it was before rolling her teal eyes. "Not a very good Doctor are you. I'll tell you anyway. Since Castiel is in hiding, I'm sure he'll soon come running when the survivors need his help".

The room darkened as shadows began to grow as maniacal giggling rang out, "and just when they think it's over, I'll pluck every bit of hope from them all" the Psychiatrist could do nothing but stay frozen in his chair, not knowing what would happen next.

The giggle was quickly cut off as the redhead stood from the chair and stepped closer to the terrified man, her eyes formed into skulls as she waved the back of her hand in front of his face before reading it.

Thana let out a cold laugh seeing all the evil and disgusting things the man had been doing under the guise of helping his clients. "Bad man-" her eyes shifted back teal as the man grabbed his chest writhing in pain "-dead man."

Sweat poured over the man's face as he dizzily stood from his seat, fear overtaking his eyes. Letting out a pained gasp, the man fell to the floor as the stoic Demon watched him take his last breath.

Tilting her head to the side, Thana listened carefully to the low thumping that slowly began to fade away until the monster on the floor was no more. One less bad person in the world now.

Moving back toward the couch, Thana gently lays back down with a sigh as she twirls a piece of red hair around her finger. "As I was saying before, you so rudely interrupted me," the Demon snarled at the dead man who deserved no mercy for his actions.

"I've got this all planned out. Soon all the survivors will be gone, and my list will be back as it should be," Thana says, deep in thought, no longer preoccupied with the body on the ground. "Then I'll kill Castiel and make sure this never happens again."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, doc, I have a vision to give to a certain someone" Kicking the foot of the dead man as she stood, Thana glanced down with him without remorse as his Secretary began to call out for him behind the door.

In a few minutes, she would enter and see the patient abuser dead on the floor, all ready for her Ferriman to take away. "Maybe taking a leaf out of Castiel's book is just what I need."


Kimberly gasped as she came out of the vision she was suddenly pulled into. This one seemed different, but she wasn't going to argue against the gift she was given. Coughing, she hit at her chest a little as the vision seemed all too real for her.

Clear held onto Kimberly's shoulder as she and Burke looked worried. "What did you see?" Cars began beeping at each other, causing Clear to look around her in distress, noticing all the possible dangers around them. "You have to tell us, what did you see? Kimberly, look at me! You have to tell us. What did you see?!".

The brunette finally stops choking on her own breath. "I was driving a white van. I don't know, I must have lost control because I crashed into a lake. And I drowned".

Burke's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "You were there?".

Kimberly glanced at the sheriff as she held her burning throat. "I can practically taste the water in my mouth."

The male's eyes widened as he remembered something while thinking about Kimberly's vision "Wait, remember, the on-ramp? There was a pregnant woman in a white delivery van".

Clear suddenly looked very excited. "He said only new life can defeat death" The advice they had gotten from the coroner came back to mind "If she gives birth to a baby that would've died in that car crash, a brand new soul that was never part of death's design--"

"-It throws the whole list out of whack, and we start over with a clean slate" Kimberly finishes Clear's sentence as the two women glance at each other, finally understanding what they need to do.


Thana smirked giddily as she watched the three stooges watch the footage taken from the sheriff's squad car of the accident. "It really was that easy, huh?" tilting her head to the side, the redhead waited for a moment.

"Wait, that's it," Kimberly called out as Thana's grin widened. That's what she was waiting for; once they found the women, then everything would start moving more smoothly. The moment they find the pregnant lady, nothing will stop the plan she put into motion.

She'd win. Then she would finally rid herself of the parasite that is her older brother.

"Got it" yay, finally, "With the plate number, I can put out an APB," Burke typed on the computer for a moment. "Here we go. The vehicle is a delivery van registered to Marcus and Isabella Hudson. We should pick them up pretty quickly. Come on, let's get to the meeting."

Thana raised an eyebrow at the male's words, "Meeting? Are you all having a party without inviting me?" a pout soon appeared on the Demon's lips. "Rude. I was the one who introduced you, but I always say the best party is the one you crash".

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