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Before I know it, six years have gone by, and I have been excelling in training. My powers are all under my own control, but my emotions can let my power show, only when they're extremely strong. Haruka had gotten a machine that tattoos, and with an amazing art ability that only Kanashimi knew he had, Haruka gave us each tattoos of our choice. Drowning in depression, I had stayed within the facilities the entire time. I still haven't left, but I had become more self confident. With safety pins, Haruka gave me piercings, and he had gotten piercings as well.
Since maturity came really late for us all, we all started going through the maturity people born with our powers had. Haruka had begun to have a thirst for the blood of humans, he can hear our pulses, and thankfully, his werewolf features had given him even shaper eyesight and sense of smell. He often sniffs the air and can tell who has eaten what and when. I think it's funny how no one can sneak up on him, especially since Kanashimi since then has tried every day. He explained to me the concept of mates and how they would die without each other. He said he found his mate, but he won't shut up about it when he tells me, so I only ask when extremely patient.
Kanashimi has shed the skin on her wings several times and when she hasn't, she walks normally instead of scratching her back or rubbing it on walls to get the shed skin off. It's kind of gross, but I know how she feels, since I've been going through the same thing. Her eyes are now blue, her wings with white feathers. She is often in the laboratory or the garden. She smiles brightest when Haruka helps her care for the flowers. She has learned how to summon every storm, great or small. She can make a tiny rain cloud to sprinkle the flowers, and has found out that since her mother was an Imperfect, she has the strength of one, which is great. Turns out her mother is Dr. Takehiro's assistant, Akane. Two years ago, Haruka had finally asked her to be his, and she accepted without a second thought. They don't leave each other's side unless she goes to the laboratory or the bathroom and stuff. They make me feel a tang of envy.
Chiharu has been going into heat during mating season like Haruka, but amazingly, they tough it out. Chiharu has been more social with us since we finished the last test mission. Dr. Takehiro lets us go out from time to time, but only to places made for recreation, like an amusement park where Chiharu had ridden the biggest ride at least ten times. We went to the zoo once, and Chiharu went on a rampage, trying to free her kind. The lions weren't fond of her at first, but when the zoo keepers tried to get her out, they each said goodbye with a hug that Satoshi often gave.
Katsumi loves to be in the garden with Satoshi, and together, they trot around and lie with their bellies in the sun. Katsumi is very fond of the little birds that visit for seeds. Satoshi tries to grab them sometimes, but Katsumi never lets him. Katsumi likes to bathe with me every other day, and loves even more to sleep on my lap and get brushed. She and I run around and play tug of war whenever Satoshi is too lazy to play. Katsumi behaves like I believe my mother would if she was a loving one. She barks at me to wake up for training, and even makes sure I eat my vegetables. Where would I be with her? Without all of them?
I rub my eyes and look at where I feel a wet nose on my shoulder. Katsumi opens her eyes and licks my cheek, getting up to stand over me. I groan and then she gets off of me as I begin to get up. I stand and look into the mirror. A tattoo of a tribal dragon on the right side of my ribs, along with a watercolor tattoo of blue jellyfish wrapping it's stingers on a realistic heart over my heart. I run my fingers along the lines of the heart, admiring the beauty of Haruka's handiwork. I look down at my shirtless body. A six pack on a skinny frame, with strong yet lean arms. I put my hand over a tattoo I did not like to see. It was Kaito's name written in English letters on the inner of my bicep, near my right armpit. I look at my face and ruffle up my hair. My green eyes look tired, my light brown hair around the right part of my neck. The sides of my head were still shaved, only a thick strip of hair remaining. The hair falls on the bridge of my nose and ends at my noticeable collarbones. My lips part slightly and I sigh. This is the day where Dr. Takehiro makes us all move into my old apartment. It had been renovated to house all of us including Satoshi. We wouldn't have to worry about food or money either, but I don't think I'm ready to go back. All of our things were flown there already, so now it was just us.
I quickly put on clothes and call Katsumi to come with me. I close the door behind us, hearing it lock. I had bid my maid farewell yesterday night. I look down at Katsumi, who is staring right back at me. I hear Haruka and Kanashimi approach us, and turn to face them with a smile.
"Let's go, Aniki, the helicopter is waiting for us. Chiharu and Satoshi are already inside, discussing our war strategies," Kanashimi states. I forgot that the only reason we had to move out was for the war.
"Right, let's go," I say with a smile. We go to the helicopter, which is on the helicopter pad in the garden.
As soon as we enter my old apartment, I notice how big it now is on the inside. Katsumi runs in and immediately goes to my old futon. She thinks it's a dog bed, so she lies down on it. Satoshi struts in and finds the room that belongs to him and Chiharu. He walks back and then lies down next to Katsumi.
"This is so nice! You lived here, Ryuu?" I turn to Chiharu, nodding.
"But it was much smaller before. Dr. Takehiro had it renovated. It looks entirely different. I grew up here. His house is nearby," I say, pain in my voice.
"I want to visit him." I turn, surprised and realizing Haruka stated my thoughts.
"Haruka, I don't think-" I interrupt Kanashimi.
"Let's go," I say as I open the door. Katsumi runs to follow me, while the rest do as well.
"I'll stay here with Satoshi. I don't want to scare anyone by bringing him, and he'd tear up the house if I didn't stay with him." Chiharu sounds afraid to meet new people, and I respect that, so I nod and head out with Haruka, Kanashimi, and Katsumi.
Soon, we are in front of his door, and I feel my lungs constrict and my palms begin to sweat. I look at my hands, which are trembling. Kanashimi links her elbow with mine, and with a small growl, Haruka knocks on the door.
"Coming!" I hear a familiar woman's voice say. She opens the door with a huge smile that is infectious, and I smile too. "Ryuunosuke! It's been so long! Where have you been? Is this your baby? Aw, she's such a sweetheart! And who are these people?"
"This is Katsumi, and these are my siblings, Haruka and Kanashimi."
"Ah, come in! I just made a whole bunch of taiyaki, they're Kou's favorite." Her voice is bright and cheerful. I walk in with them and sit down on the soft couch. Kanashimi sits beside Haruka and Haruka sits beside me.
"Who is Kou," I ask, but Kaito's mom has already walked into the kitchen. The front door which was just closed behind us opens, and a little boy walks in wearing a preschool uniform. I smile at his cuteness until he looks at me. Soon, Kaito walks in after him. I freeze.
Kaito has shaved one side of his head, and has gotten a tattoo of Kou's name written as light in Japanese on the side of his neck that shows. He turns and looks at me, an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and a dragon tribal tattoo on the right side of his neck. He now wears black framed glasses, and the birthmark on his jawline is more noticeable. Haruka accidentally brushes against me, and he jumps closer to Kanashimi. He then leans over to me and whispers that my skin is as cold as ice.
The little boy looks at me, the exact face and eyes of Kaito. His hair is a light brown, very close to my shade of brown. He has the same birthmark as Kaito. His short hair barely touches the tip of his ears and his eyebrows. He walks to me and looks closely at Haruka and I.
"Daddy says green eyes are pretty. I think Daddy was right," he says in an adorable smooth voice. I look at Kaito and feel my heart claw at my chest.
"Hello again, Kaito. Where is your wife? Is this your child," Haruka asks with no emotion in his voice.
"Hello, my name is Kanashimi. What's your name?" I hear Kanashimi begin talking to Kou, and I turn to see a smile on her face.
"I'm Kou. Are you my mommy?" Kou's words break my heart, and Kanashimi's eyes fill with tears. Haruka has pain in his eyes. Where had Kohaku gone? Why has she abandoned her son?
"No, honey, but you don't need a mommy. You have a daddy and a family that loves you," Kanashimi says with pain in her voice. Kaito continues to stand, staring at me in awe. He walks closer, slowly and with caution, holding out his hand as if not sure if I'm real.
I feel his palm graze my cheek and I melt against it. I hold his hand to my face and smile, but realizing what I had done, I let it go. I look up at him and notice his eyes brimming with tears.
"You're real. You're here," he says under his breath. I stand and hold him tightly, and a feeling that I hadn't known for years wells up inside me. Happiness.

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