The Kings Have Returned

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Author's Note:
Hello! Leave nice comments, please. I'd love to hear suggestions. I hope you guys know that one of the tags in this story is tragedy.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!" Haruka repeats for the hundredth time in a row. I'm surprised he doesn't run out of breath. He is pacing around before he takes a seat at the meeting table with the rest of with the exception of Kou, who is playing in the electronic room.
"What the fuck are we supposed to do, Ryuu? They'll know what and where we are!"
"We obviously have to move our base. We have to go somewhere where they would never expect," I say.
"They'll expect me to be with the Queen. We can't go there. Kou is in a lot of danger. Kaito, he must stay with your family. You should go along with him as well. We can't afford casualties," Kanashimi says. It will be hard to make him understand but he cannot be in danger.
I look at him and automatically, he stares me down.
"I refuse to leave your side again. Kou will stay with Kirei but I will stay with you," he commands.
"Kaito, you understand that in the worst situation, your son would grow up without a father, right? Would you really risk putting your son in that much pain," Haruka says, as if in pain or afraid. He puts his hand on Kanashimi's stomach.
"He can't lose you, Kaito."
"Does this mean that you won't be fighting, Alpha?" Zero sounds a little disappointed.
"Of course he won't-"
"I will be fighting," Haruka says as he cuts off a very shocked Kanashimi. Kanashimi looks at him with betrayal. "I understand the risk, but I must protect my family," he continues.
"You can let others fight. The risk is too great and I cannot lose you. You will not be fighting," Kanashimi shouts. Kaito steps in.
"Hold on, if you are fighting with the same risks as me, then I will be fighting too!"
"Absolutely not," I say, getting irritated at both him and Haruka. "Haruka is more powerful. He can hold his own. You cannot, Kaito. You're just a human." My words come out more harsh than I intended and Kaito automatically spits venom at me with his words.
"I will fight even if I die. You are part of me, and even if I do not fight, I would still be at risk. I do not fear death anymore, Ryuunosuke, and even if you're afraid, that will not hold me back."
Kaito walks away and leaves the house with Kou. I rub my temples and drink some water, causing steam to exit my nostrils.
"Haruka, if you will fight, then I will too," Kanashimi says as she stands, as if defying Haruka just by moving.
"There is no way I can accept that, Kanashimi," I say,not wanting to step into the quarrel but doing so at the most dangerous time. Haruka agrees immediately, but I see a look in Kanashimi's eyes that show that this fight will not be over. She looks like she has a plan.

Later that day after Kaito and Kou returned, we pack all the stuff we need and head for another base, across an ocean, and well into Alaska. It takes us at least a week, but as soon as we arrive, I realize that being too cold does exist for me.
I pick up a phone and call the childish king.
"Who dares call the personal cellphone of Edmund, king of the vampires?"
"Your Highness, it's me, the Dragon. The war has begun, and I need your armies by my side."
"I will speak to the wolves and head for Alaska immediately. Let's teach these mortals a lesson, eh Dragon?"
He hangs up before I could ask him how he knows where we are. We quickly head for the desolate woods of Alaska, and find our base hidden behind a gated manor the size of a city. It looked like a scene from a horror movie, with a creepy black Victorian mansion, with a faux graveyard in the front, and many hidden houses hidden behind a naked garden filled with stray black cats and rotting foliage.
I look at the locked gate and deeply inhale, thinking of something that makes me mad. Odd numbers. I exhale and the lock melts away. I push the gates open and we head into the mansion with a massive load of our belongings. Kanashimi of course, was the only one with free hands, so she opened the doors for us and greeted the cats. She looked at the garden with a tang of sadness in her eyes and I felt in my heart right then and there just how much she had missed her garden.

Soon after we finish unpacking our stuff, the king arrives with his army with the alpha and another army by his side. Both armies had to have at least a hundred men and women each. We all head out to greet the new arrivals, and show them to the houses out back. When we greet Alpha Alastair and his Luna, the rest of us bowed out of the respect but Zero and Haruka did not, showing their new status. I can tell this irritated Alastair due to instinct of needing to be shown respect, but he hid it well enough. I could tell he didn't like the cats, and the cats didn't like him, so he avoided them as much as he could. The king automatically headed for his houses, to sleep, as did Alastair. It's daylight but I guess they had a rough night to I leave them be and head for my own room. As dusty as it is, I didn't care as I threw myself onto my bed. I forgot how empty a bed could feel. Kaito had been ignoring me since the disagreement.
My room is located in the attic, and besides the two huge windows that included a little space I could sleep or sit on, it wasn't grand. It looked abandoned just the exterior of the house. I shift on the bed and finally feel the dust on my skin. I cringe and rush to get up.
I spend the rest of the day cleaning the room.

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