Suzie and Banner.

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Rosie's hand remained perched on the desk, staring down at the woman behind it. "I'm here to see Bruce Banner." She said again as the receptionist blinked back.

"I'm sorry ma'am but as I've said three times before, unless you have an appointment, I cannot let you up in the building." Rosie's jaw tensed. This woman was really testing her patience; she was supposed to have met Bruce ten minutes ago.

"I do have an appointment, I was supposed to be meeting him ten minutes ago - as I said, when I arrived" The woman looked over to her computer, scanning her eyes across.

Desk lady smirked. "Ah yes, so you did. Primrose is it?" She wanted to rip desk lady's head off as she nodded, her false smile not leaving her lips. "As you've missed your appointment, and Mr Banner will be preoccupied for the remainder of the day, I'll have to ask you to reschedule your appointment. Will March be okay for you?" Rosie's hand clenched.

She didn't get it, she didn't physically understand why this lady was giving her a hard time. "No offence, Lady, but I got here thirty minutes before my appointment where you then instructed me to sit in the waiting room for twenty. I then came back, and you told me to wait while you finished your phone call, and every time I've asked since, you've given me the same response. So unless you're going to let me up, I suggest you phone Dr Banner and explain to him why you won't let me up."

Desk Lady blinked. "I'm afraid that's not in my job description." What was? Rosie felt like screaming as she slammed her head against her arm. "Now, would you like to reschedule your appointment because if not I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"March is in two months." Desk Lady raised her brow as though that wasn't her problem. "Listen, I need to go to this appointment, Steve arranged this for me."

"Again, this is not my problem." Rosie sighed. "Now, would you prefer March 29th or December 3rd?" Her jaw dropped.

"Neither. I just want..." She sighed, seeing it was a hopeless cause.

Desk Lady smiled. "Then I must ask you to leave. Thank you for visiting S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters today." And almost like the lady was electronic, she turned away from Rosie, eyes focusing on the screen. Ugh, and to think Rosie was having a great day. Her bus was on time, her hair went back easily into a bun, and the cute hat she had picked up on 10th street fit her ears well. Then, this lady just had to come along to mess up her day.

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