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Rosie stood nervously on the quinjet, her arms crossed in front of her chest, hand tapping nervously on the side of her pocket

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Rosie stood nervously on the quinjet, her arms crossed in front of her chest, hand tapping nervously on the side of her pocket. They weren't far from landing, and the tension was tangible from all of them. But Rose's mind was elsewhere, her hand touching along the outline of her phone. James was still at home with Took, and despite sending her a photo of the two of them on the sofa, it didn't ease the nerves she felt over being so far away - not that it would make too much of a difference if she was there, but at least she would be there and not in Sokovia. "ETA: 10 minutes." Clint said from the cockpit, her head raising slightly at the sound.

Suppose everyone was, the tension tangible in the air as Rosie touched her phone again, wondering if she should pull it out again to just double check on them again; it might be a little while before she could do that once they landed. Her fingers dug into her pocket, tugging on the metal before glancing down at the screen. There was one new message; she clicked it, the message expanding.

A picture of Took and James was sat there, a wide grin on James' lips as Took was licking at his face, Ducky sat between them, and a blanket wrapped around them. Rosie smiled slightly, looking at the caption.

His kisses are mine now.

"Hey." Rosie paused, pushing the phone back in her pocket, head turning to Steve's.

She smiled coyly, warmth blooming beneath the skin. He looked gorgeous in his suit, a man of determination and skill as he stood before her. "Hey." She uttered back. This wasn't their first mission together, but it always made her nervous when she had to work with him, let alone with everyone else too. There was too much pressure to prove herself to them; not only because she was the youngest and newest member, but because she didn't feel that she deserved to be there.

Steve made a motion to touch her face, his thumb itching to smooth against the makeup that rested along her eyes, desperate to get a hint of the white that lay beneath it. He hated that she covered it, hated even more that he couldn't touch her in that way with the sets of eyes around them. "How are you feeling? I've barely heard a peep from you all flight, you've been busy on that phone." Checking up on his murderous ex-boyfriend and their dragon.

Rose huffed slightly through a smile, nodding. "Just nervous. How about you?" Steve and Tony were leading this, both knowing how to manage the team in different ways.

"Better once we're flying back." They all would once they got what they came here for. The fact that they were all here made her nervous, but she was sure it was a safety thing more than anything. "Everything will go smoothly, don't look so nervous." He said softly, head lowering closer to her own.

Primrose.   ▸ Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora