Prim and Porcelain

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Rosie knew there was no one in the world she wanted to see more than her Aunt Peggy when her mind was raging like an ocean storm. Somehow, someway Aunt Peggy knew what was troubling Rosie and would always soothe her with select words of wisdom. Rose sighed as drummed her fingers on the care home desk, waiting patiently as the nurse printed her visitor's badge. "How is Peggy today?"

The nurse turned, smiling. "She's in a good mood, smiling like always." Rosie nodded, that was good. With Peggy's dementia, every day was a struggle - especially with the decline in health and the fragility of her. "She's got a visitor at the moment, but I'm sure she won't mind the extra company."

Rosie rose a brow. "A visitor? Family?"

Nurse shrugged. "Strapping lad, fairly good looking if you're into blondes." Rosie thought, maybe it was Peggy's son? But last she remembered, Stephen wasn't blonde unless he'd been in the sun. "She was happy to receive him, if that's any consolation." Rosie nodded.

"Do you have a name?" She asked, leaning further on the desk.

"Sure, honey. Let me see if I can get it for you." The nurse grabbed the file from the desk, flicking through the pages. "You should have seen her yesterday, I've never seen her act so young - she was dancing around the room with no care in the world."

Rosie grinned. "That sounds like the Aunt Peggy I remember." The nurse found the page, holding it open to lay on the desk.

"He sees her every once in a few weeks." She nodded, her eyes falling to the name. Grant Rogers. Grant Rogers? She'd never heard Peggy even mention a Grant.

"They must be old friends." She mused softly, the nurse handing the badge over.

"Any problems, just call for us." Rosie nodded, clipping her badge on. "Now I'm sure you remember the way, but if you don't she's straight down the hall and to the left, the third door."

"Thank you, have a great day." The nurse nodded before returning to her desk. She held her bag close to her as she made her way through the corridors, unsure of who this Grant was - but if Peggy saw him regularly, who was Rosie to deny her that? Rosie turned left before counting three doors down, noticing her name on the door. With a hard knock, she waited.

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