Breaking and Entering.

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Rosie hesitated at the edge of the woods, eyes searching the expanse of green as she took a deep breath

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Rosie hesitated at the edge of the woods, eyes searching the expanse of green as she took a deep breath. Something felt wrong about all of this, her insides twisting with her hands tightening. She wasn't always one to believe in signs, to let them overtake her judgement but the build up of nerves, especially in a place like this... It had her jumpy. Her head shook as she swallowed deeply, one hand wringing the other before swapping. There was just a small group of them trying to take down HYDRA, and S.H.I.E.L.D; and a million possibilities for it to go wrong.

She sighed, ears flicking at the crunch of wood behind her. It was empty, the small entrance peeking at the facility the only thing she could detect with her ears. Must have been an animal? Rosie turned, not seeing anyone; they were still a stretch away. She returned to the front, glancing at a singular tree.

She was so thankful that Nick was around, that she hadn't lost him like she thought. She had her home, her family. There was nothing more important to Rosie than that. And, in a way, Nat, Maria, and Steve had become part of her family too. But that family would be in danger in the next few hours, and Rosie couldn't bear to think of the consequences if things went wrong.

Hands slipped across her waist, tightening on her hip as she glanced over, Steve beside her. He'd managed to sneak up on her. "Hi." He greeted, the edges of her lips quirking as the other hand settled on the other hip; eyes boring into one another's.

"Hey." She uttered back. Her hands fell upon the expanse of his chest, thick muscle hidden beneath a tight shirt. Everything had been a careful dance, a few kisses stolen here, and there. But they were new to this. Her warm eyes gazed into the ocean shade of his, urging him to speak. "What is it?"

His expression wasn't as stormy, but he wasn't smiling either. "You feel like going on a second date to the museum quickly?" Steve asked, interrupting the silence.

Rosie quirked a brow, confused. He was asking her on a date? "You want to go to the museum now? We have to take down S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA." There wasn't any time, unless this was for something else.

"I need a uniform, and my usual one won't cut it." He explained, blue eyes sparkling a little more. The uniform from his display?

Rosie tried to ease the air around them, keeping it light as she shot him a smile. "Man, these dates keep ending in showstopping ways Steve. First, I think Nick Fury died, and the second, we rob the Smithsonian and potentially bring down HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D without dying in the process. You're really setting the bar high." It was a light jest, enough to show she wasn't mad about it.

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