Barbeques and Bantering.

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"Steve!" Primrose called out loudly, her head turning slightly to the corridor as her hands held open the door to the fridge. "Steve!" She cried out again.

The supersoldier in question rushed out of the bedroom, eyes wide, shield held in his grasp as he searched for any sign of danger. "Baby? What...?" He asked, finding nothing but Prim. Her brows were furrowed, cotton candy pink curls pushed away with thin cat-eye glasses, and a strawberry sundress pulled around her figure. She looked cute, even cuter if she wasn't frowning and staring at that damn fridge again.

"I thought I asked you to get the Angus burgers from the store, and like twenty packs." She asked, stress sitting high in the tone. "There's only four packs - just about enough for Thor, let alone you, and Tony." Steve couldn't help the smile, eyes alight as he placed down the shield, approaching her.

"Prim, believe me when I say we have enough food. Tony's bringing some burgers, so is Thor - his are apparently some of the best in Asgard. Everyone will be too full to have anymore, and if not... There's always Took." He teased, motioning to the small dragon at the side who was chewing on his leg. The dragon raised his head at his name, seeing the two glance at him before offering a wolfish smile, Rosie's head shaking.

She sighed, taking a step forward, and letting her head rest on his chest, arms wrapping tight around Steve's waist. "What is it, Angel?"

"I just want everything to be perfect, and I just... Don't feel like it will be." There were so many people coming, and she wanted to make sure she had enough for everyone. Drinks, snacks, salad, condiments, meat... Their shopping had been piled high, her fridge filled, and Steve had to bring over his own to make sure everything could be stored properly. That was without Rosie having to bribe the downstairs neighbours so she could use the garden all day. "Why does it have to be so complicated?" She mumbled into his chest, Steve's grin growing wider.

"Because you want it to be perfect," He reminded her. "Just relax, Prim. Today will be perfect, and everyone will have fun. If it really gets desperate, some of us can go on a run to the store to pick up some more supplies." He tried to ease, stroking her back. He knew why she wanted it to go perfectly, and that was because she wanted to fit in. Being the newest - and slightly reluctant - member made Prim feel left out by her own doing; it didn't matter to them, they were just excited to meet her. But everything had to be the way Prim wanted so she could feel at ease, and Steve was happy to follow along.

Primrose.   ▸ Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers.Where stories live. Discover now