17 | Childhood Friend

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Felix burst out of the bathroom in a hurry.

The faint sound of his Twice ringtone was escaping his bedroom's half closed door, giving him anxiety.

He almost tripped over his own feet, running to his room as fast as possible, tightly clenching the towel wrapped around his waist.

He barely managed to pick up the phone in time, panting dramatically as he mumbled a quick hello.

"Felix? What happened, were you running?" Claire laughed through the phone.

"..Maybe" He chuckled, sitting on his bed to catch his breath.

"How come you're calling me now? Aren't you getting ready for the party?"

"Yeah, but I'm almost ready. I was getting bored so I thought I'd check up on you and Ray."

"Oh okay. Well I haven't seen Ray in a while but I just got out of the shower so I'll start getting ready in a bit too." Felix said, scratching his neck.

He was getting shy at the idea of talking with Claire while he was half naked.

Even if she couldn't see him.

Claire hummed in response. "Bet you'll look real cute, as always." She told him.


"I'm joking, I'm joking! God Lix, anyone can make you flustered with the simplest compliments." She laughed.

'Not anyone, just you.' He thought.

His other friends didn't have this much power over him.

"So um, who is this Jackson guy?" She asked, changing the subject after Felix had remained silent for a few seconds too long.

"Oh just a friend of Hyunjin's. His parents were gone for the weekend so he suggested we do the party at his house." Felix explained, picking the clothes he'd wear from his wardrobe.

"He sounds like a nice guy."

"Jackson, he- He's wild." Felix chuckled. "Nice, but wild."

"What do you mean?" She asked, curious.

"You'll see when you meet him." Felix simply replied, laying on his bed.

"So. How was your day. What did you do?" He asked her.

To Felix it didn't matter what the topic of their conversation was.
He could just sit there, listen to her talk all day, ramble about the most random stuff.

Her voice gave him a feeling of peace.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and just focused on the way her tone was changing, depending on what she was talking about.

"Bokkie, why aren't you ready yet?!" Rachel barged in, and Felix swore if it wasn't for little Olivia that was following her everywhere he would have killed his sister right then and there.

"Fu- Ray, why do you NEVER knock before you come into my room?" Like I'm in my freaking underwear, can I not have some privacy?!" Felix complained.

"CaN I NoT hAve sOmE pRiVaCy?!" She said, mocking his tone.

"Sorry Claire, please keep going." He told the girl, sighing.

"You're talking with Claire?! Give her to me." She attacked him, trying to snatch the phone from his hands.

Claire's laugh echoed through the phone as the two siblings mumbled incoherent insults to each other, trying hard to get the phone under their possession.

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