11| Blush

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Felix's POV:

“Uhh, where are we going?”

“Somewhere far away from the lovebirds. They could use some privacy.” Claire winked at me from the other side of the car, as she unlocked it with her key.

I stood there, just watching her struggle with a stray strand of hair that kept falling on her face and annoying her.

Unable to resist my habit of zoning out once again, I let my eyes travel on her beautiful features. 

The way her lips parted as she let out a sigh, her breath visible and her little nose red because of the cold weather. The way she clung with shaky hands onto her coat, that obviously failed at warming her body.

How I would love to fill you with hugs to warm you up, baby..

Her golden eyes connected with mine, but I hadn’t noticed. I was too focused on imagining her in my arms.

“Lee! Will you get in or will you just stand there for the rest of the day?” She asked, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

“Y-yeah! Sorry.” I told her with a shy smile and got in the car.

“Are you that cold?” I asked, seeing her shiver again.
“Here, have my scarf.”

Thanking me quietly, she lifted up her hair a bit, so I could wrap it around her neck.

She smiled and slightly hugged it, enjoying the warmth that seeped into her skin.

“So. Where do you wanna go?” She clapped her hands after a moment, happily.

“I get to choose?” I asked surprised and she laughed.

“Well, since I basically dragged you out of the mall, I thought you could at least choose our last destination.” 

“Hmm.. How about ***********?”

“God, please no! Anything except for that!” She begged, fear glazing her eyes.

“You said it’s my choice. There’s no turning back now.” I laughed at her and she whined cutely.

“Fine, because I feel extra nice today, I’ll give you a chance to change our destination..”

“If you defeat me in rock, paper, scissors.” I said with full seriousness.

“Rock, paper, scissors? Really?” She snorted.

“Hey don’t mock it! My friends and I take this game very seriously.” I said, a bit offended and she laughed.

“Okay, fine.”

“You ready?” I asked and she answered with a nod.

“Rock, paper, scissors!”


“I can’t believe you made me come here.” She scoffed.

Claire followed the movement of the skaters with her eyes, the fear of  falling on the cold ground and getting hurt suffocating her mind.

“Why ice skating?” 

“Well, I thought it would be fun for both of us.” I explained, as I helped her put on her steel-bladed skates.

“Is it your first time going ice skating?” 

“Second, but I was really young, so I don’t remember anything.”
“I just don’t like anything that has to do with cold and.. ice and stuff.” She said.

French Lessons | Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now