23 | Cold Water

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‘’Yes, mom. Ray’s little brother is over with her right now, theyre helping me with the rooftop garden.’’ Claire sighed as she desperately looked around her living room for the bag of paints she had bought earlier that morning.

‘’Cupcakes? Yeah, I’m sure they’d appreciate it a bunch. Okay, I’ll see you soon. Love ya. Bye bye.’’

"Oh!" She exclaimed, spotting what she was looking for behind the couch.

Sighing contently as she took in the beauty of her brand new home, Claire checked in the bag to make sure she had bought everything she needed.

She took off for the staircase that led to her pride and joy, the rooftop garden which had ultimately played the biggest part in her decision to buy this house.

Felix noticed her struggling to open the door and he immediately stumbled his way to it, letting the woman out and taking the heavy bag off of her hands.

"It's coming together so well, I am so happy!" Claire clapped excitedly and her contagious smile spread to the siblings' faces.

After deciding she wanted a bar on her rooftop, Claire had to cut back on the big, heavy furniture due to the overall small space she had left to work with.

Two big, wooden palettes adorned each side of the gray painted wall, full of realistic looking plastic flowers and plants of many kinds and decorated with the prettiest fairy lights.

In between them, Claire hung a white sheet that she aligned with the coffee table and the cute, dark gray couch that she found on sale a week prior. She decorated it with pretty pillows and placed a couple pouffes around, knowing the couch wouldn't seat all of her friends.

Around the edges of the rooftop, she planned on putting a series of little plant pots and doing some real gardening, and that's what Felix and Rachel decided to work on and diy it the moment she announced it.

Lastly on the far corner of the garden, a few steps next to the bar, she had placed a bamboo swing chair for her to hole up and read books in.

Though, she thought, it wouldn't survive that long if Changbin or Jisung happened to lay a single eye on it.

Perhaps not the smartest idea.

Claire giggled to herself a little and followed Felix to their working table, which was covered in wet clay, painting brushes and now the paints she had bought for them, as well as the tools Rachel needed to slowly create each plant pot.

"You've been taking pottery classes and I only found out now? How is that possible?" She asked her best friend.

"Channie and I took some couple's classes because we were out of date ideas." Rachel explained with a soft grin on her face as her hands moved naturally around the spinning blob of clay.

"What theme are you going for?"

"Well, we saw the fairy lights and the hanging plants and we thought an elf theme would go well with them. So we're making little mushroom pots and some basic looking ones that I'll decorate with flowers and such!" Felix described, and carefully grabbed one of the cute flower decorations he had made to show her.

"Awh, I love that! I'm so excited to see the garden finished. Dad is bringing me an old grill we have, so I'm thinking we can throw a grill party for my birthday."

"Oh, right! It's only like, a month away right?" Rachel asked, and Claire hummed in reply.

"A MONTH?! That's not enough time to prepare a perfect gift." Felix pouted, making the girls' laugh.

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