Erverybody loves a clown part 2

Start from the beginning

Mr. cooper looked at the three.
"You guys have never worked a show in your lives before, have you?" He says catching them in they're lie.
"Nope. But we really need the work. And Sam here has got a thing for the bearded lady." Dean laughs

"You see that picture? That's my daddy." me.Cooper says to them
"You look just mine him." Sam tells him.
"He was in the business. Ran a freak show, till they outlawed them most places. Apparently, displaying the deformed isn't dignified. So most of the performers went from honest rotting in hospitals and asylums. That's progress, I guess. You see, this place, it's a refuge for outcasts. Always has been. For folks that don't fit in anywhere else. But you should go to school. Find a couple girls, a husband. Have 2.5 kids. Live regular. " Mr. Cooper finished telling them.
Darcey shook her head a little.
If only he knew.
Sam leans in, "sir? We don't wanna go to school. And we do not want regular. We want this."


Walking out of the office, Darcey stood in between the boys as they walked.
"Huh." Dean says suddenly
"What?" The brother asked
"That whole, uh, "I don't want to go back to school" thing. We're you just saying that to Cooper, or , were you, you know, saying it?" Dean questions
After a long pause, Dean asked "Sam?"
"I don't know." He said
"You don't know?" Dean pushes
"I thought once the demon was dead and the fat lady sings..that you were going to going to take off, head back to Wussy state."
"I'm having second thoughts." Sam says and they all stop walking.
"Really?" Darcey asked
"Yeah, I think. Dad would've wanted me to stick with the job." Sam tells them

"Since when do you give a damn what Dad wanted? You spent half your life doing what he didn't want." Dean says
Darcey places her hands in her jean pockets. Standing awkwardly in between the feuding duo.
"Since he died, Okay?" Sam said
"You have a problem with that?"

"No, I do y have a problem at all." Dean says and walked away. Leaving Sam and Darcey standing there.
The youngest brother looks at his sister, who still had her sunglasses on.
Darcey only shrugged her shoulders and went off following Dean.


Later in the day, the carnival was full in swing. The Winchester's each got a Cooper Carnival jacket and were put off to work.
Sam and Darcey were on garbage duty.
Sam had the EMF all ready to go.

The oldest and youngest then sneakily made they're way into a fun house.
They walked through the funky mirrors, holding the EMF to everything. When a skeleton dropped down, Darcey and Sam moved back in fight, the sister letting out a small scream.
Liking to each other, they made they're way out and called Dean.

"Hey, man." Sam said
Over the phone, Darcey listens in.
"What's the matter, you sound like you just saw a clown."
Letting out a giggle.
"Very funny. And you shush. " he says and shoves her slightly.
"It was a skeleton, actually." Darcey says as she pushes Sam back.
"Like a real human skeleton?" Dean asked
"In the fun house." Sam conformed.
"I was thinking, what if the spirit isn't attached to a cursed object? What if it's attached to remains."

"Did the bones give of EMF?"

"Well, no. But—" Darcey says
"We should check it out. I'm heading to you" Dean tells them


When Dean finally met up with them, a few steps away from them, a little girl says, "mommy, look at the clown."
"What clown ?" The mother asked
The Winchester's made they're way over, not seeing a clown at all where the little girl was pointing.
They soon left.

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