Do you trust me?

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Hence, they had only spoken about irrelevant, mundane topics. Magnus had told him some amusing stories about the other noble families. Alec hadn't laughed so much in a long time as he had tonight. For a few moments, he had even forgotten that Magnus was a hitman.

Alec fiddled restlessly with the half-full whisky glass in his hand, letting the amber-coloured liquid slosh back and forth. He and Jace had left the King's ball after a few hours; they had stayed only until it wouldn't be deemed impolite to leave; much earlier than most of the other guests.

That had been hours ago, and Alec had been trying to keep his eyes open and not fall asleep since. When will Magnus appear? he asked himself again.

Alec reached for the remote control lying on a small side table next to his armchair and turned the TV on, hoping that it would help him stay awake. In order not to wake up Jace, who slept in the room next to Alec's, he quickly turned down the volume, but only so far, just enough so he could still hear what was happening. Alec casually flicked through the channels eventually stopping on a news station, a young blond woman was reading out the news. Alec listened to her for a few minutes but despite all his efforts to not fall asleep, his heavy eyelids dropped slowly, he dozed off being lulled to sleep by the newsreader's soft voice.

Alec didn't know what had stirred him from his slumber, it could have been the worried tone on the young woman's voice? Or the feeling of being watched? As he opened his eyes, he caught sight of a dark figure that was standing close and leaning over him.

Before Alec reacted, a hand covered his mouth, muffling the startled sound falling from his lips. It felt like his heart stopped beating for a few seconds, only to beat faster than it ever had in his life.

“It's me, Alexander,” a low but familiar voice said.

Relief flooded Alec's body when he recognized Magnus' voice. The assassin took his hand away after a few seconds, straightening himself.

“God, Magnus! You really scared me,” Alec said with a shaky voice.

"Well, I beg your forgiveness, Alexander. That wasn't my intention."

Alec blinked a few times, wiping the tiredness from his eyes. He realised that his whisky glass was now sitting on the side table, but he hadn't recalled putting it there.

"What time is it?" Alec asked, still feeling dizzy and disoriented from sleep.

"It's three in the morning," Magnus answered, dropping into the second armchair, that was opposite to Alec's. Alec noticed that the assassin was still wearing his festive evening wear and guessed that Magnus had come straight from the ball directly to his apartment.

"How did you get in unnoticed?" Alec wondered.

"Professional secret," Magnus replied, winking at him coyly.

"Of course", Alec deadpanned, rolling his eyes. He grabbed the remote control to turn the TV off, but Magnus stopped him with a wave of his right hand. Alec arched an eyebrow inquisitively but said nothing, then turning his attention back to the newsreader who was looking into the camera with a furrowed brow and a slightly worried expression on her face.

"... according to the information we have just received from the police, the suspect, has, unfortunately, fled the scene. Again, they didn't leave any trace evidence at the scene which could have helped to identify the murderer. The police have told us, they have taken the victim to a forensic scientist for further investigation, but the identity of the victim has not yet been confirmed by the police. Although, we have heard from an unofficial source, that the victim is a 20-year-old student named Victor Aldertree..."

Assassin, until the first moment (🇬🇧)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat