From where the wolf stood it cocked its head, the ears fell flat and perked up again. Was it wrong that I'm crying? A cold tear fell down one cheek, I didn't move but the wolf was coming closer and I could see behind it.

The Pines family only watched too, they seem entranced just as much as the wolf was. As much I know I need to run for it I can't help it, wolves are such majestic creatures and yet, seeing one up close was truly terrifying.

Even though I'd prefer to see them from a safe distance. It gave another twitch of its ear, it was directly in my face again. As cocky as I may sound I was still deafly scared, and crying no less. It's my damn chest, it won't stop pounding, and I think it attracted the monster over here.

With no time wasted, I felt the borrowed clothing ripped from my body, leaving an opening to my bandages. It's pointed nose was inches from my wounded chest, but it didn't attack.

Instead the wolf's muzzle caressed my marks carefully, soothing the toughen beats before suddenly moving back and shaking. Nearly stumbling on its back paws as it shook violently, almost like it was in disbelief as it kept backing away. Feet before the porch it turned to look at the others mortified, back at me then to the ground.

Was it scared of blood?, I was relieved that the pulsing has stopped when I released it, maybe the wolf felt it stop. Rustling leaves from the bushes indicated that the wolf left, leaving everyone utterly confused. Nonetheless, they came forward. I sat up and tried to respond to all their questions.

"What the hell was that all about! And where's it going!?!" Thompson pointed towards the bushes that still swayed side to side. How out of character...

"I thought Dipper was the nerdy one monsters, not you Thompson." Wendy stepped ahead, innocently rubbing his head which turned into a small banter that included Lee and Nate to join.

They got quiet once Stanford pushed passed with scissors, glistening in the moon. I tensed under the touch, the scissors cut through the bandages that were soaked in partially dry blood. A soft crash came from the fallen scissors, a voice brought everyone's attention to the blonde.

" can't be-oh god, this is impossible..." Everyone's gaze stared in awe at my chest and shoulder, I too saw what everyone else was seeing. The remaining bits of open gaps began to reach for one another, closing off and banishing away dark shades of red that faded to darker tone.

Whatever this trick was happened slow and it was agonizing, it's like new skin was forming before our eyes. Sowing itself together to hide my open wounds, in the end, a scar ran from in between my shoulder and neck down to my chest.

A remnant of pulsing thumped depressingly, and faded away sweltering after the sorrowful beats. My hand went to my chest at a lost for words, dusty fingers caress the scar but I felt nothing. No pain. I've been healed.

The crashing of twigs made our heads turn to the shrubbery, where out came a stumbling Mabel. On the verge of falling hers eyes peek sickly at the group who huddled near me.

But she fell to the ground huffing a tired and worn out sigh, a sickly exhausted sigh. Shortly behind her Tambry and Robbie knelt to her side. On all fours I crawled to her side as well, commanding those around me to help her into the shack.

"I have to call Mom and Dad." Dipper jumped to his feet and ran for the phone that I presume was in the kitchen. Everything began to happen so suddenly. Mabel was brought to the shack and was instantly getting her wounds treated. Stan Pines and his brother went back out to scout for the wolf on the tree's lining, in case it returned for more.

Not long after, Dipper and Mabel's parents came through the rigidly doors, both holding supplies of First Aid equipment. All the adults attempted to get me home, but alas I was lucky when Dipper said that my parents had called.

Saying that they'll be gone for the night and to ask if I could spend the night with the Pines, so going home wasn't an option. It never was. Not even sleeping could persuade me, after all she's done I can't leave Mabel's side.

I closed the doors to the shack and went back to Mabel's side as everyone worked like bees. Immediately forgot what I saw flicker in her eyes outside those doors.

Published On: 2/21/20

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