Everybody loves a clown

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Darcey bows her head. She has been, not avoiding her son, per say..but she has been surprisingly distant towards him and she didn't completely understand why. And she didn't like it.
Dean then looked to Sam.
"Revenge, huh?"
"Sounds good. Got any leads on where the demon is? You making heads or tails of Dad's research? I sure
Ain't. But you know, when we do finally find it—oh, no wait. Like you said, the Colt's gone. But I'm sure you've found a way to kill it. We got nothing, Sam.
Nothing, okay? See, the only thing I can do is work on the car." Dean tells him and goes back to work.
When he doesn't leave, Sam says,
"Well, we got something, all right? That's what I came to tell you. It's one of Dad's old phones. Took me a while, but I cracked his voice mail code. Listen to this."
Handing him the phone, Dean takes.
After listening to it, he hands the phone back with a shake of the head
"That message is four months old." Sam tells them
"Why would dad save a message for four months?" Darcey asked
"Who's Ellen?any mention of her in Dad's journal?" Dean asks
"No. But I got a trace in the phone number and I got an address.."

Dean looked to Darcey, who gave him a tight nod.
Turning to Sam, Dean says "ask Bobby if we can use one of his cars."


Leaving the car lot in one of Bobby's vans, the Winchester's were off to where this woman Ellen lives.
Growing up, she never heard of this woman. She was curious to find out who she was and what her connection to they're dad was.

With Dean driving and Sam in the front, from the back seat, out of the dusty window, Darcey could vaguely see a bar.
'Great, a bar.' She thought to her self.
Giving an annoyed sigh, she unbuckled her seatbelt and got out of the car like her brothers did.
"This is humiliating." Dean angrily says.
Darcey let out a giggle as she got closer to Dean.
"Hey, do you mind giving my soccer team a ride to practice, today?" The older sister asked Dean mockingly, knowing he probably felt like one of those t.v soccer moms with the mini van.
Dean gave her a shove as she laughed, holding her stomach.
Smiling a little, Sam said, "it's the only car Bobby had running."

Looking around the pretty empty lot, the three took a little look.
"Hello?" Sam called out
"Anybody here?" Dean asked as he looked in the closed up window.
Darcey shivered as she felt goosebumps rise on her skin. This place kind of gave her the creeps.
Going to the door, Dean asked Sam, "Did you bring the—"
"Of course." Was his reply as he tossed Dean what he was taking about.

When they got in, the three slowly stopped in the abandoned looking bar.
They looked around and suddenly saw a guy passed out in the pool table.
"I'm guessing that isn't Ellen." Sam says stating the obvious.
"Yeah." Dean says
Sam walked a bit away and then, Darcey turned from where she was looking over to Dean, a blond lady was holding a gun to his back. She put her hands up and stood a good distance from the girl and Dean.
"Please let that be a gun." Dean says

When the gun clocked, the lady said, "no. I'm just really happy to see you."
Dean raises his hands up.
"Don't move." She says
"Copy that. You should know something. When you put a rifle on someone, don't put it right on they're back..it makes it real easy to do—" Dean says and then swiftly turns around and takes the gun from her hands and empty's it.
The blond then proceeds to punch Dean in the face and takes the gun back aiming it back at him.
Sam then comes in, his own hands up and his own blond lady, who too had a gun to him.
They slowly walked in.

The older blond looked to the siblings. Something clicked when he said the name Sam.
"Sam? Darcey and Dean? Winchester?" She says
In unison, they confirm.
"Son of a bitch." She said
Then, the younger girl says, "mom, you know these people?"
"Yeah, I think these are John Winchester's kids."
She then laughed and put the gun down.
"Hey, I'm Ellen. My daughter Jo." She introduced

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