"I Have Been Always Loved Only You!"

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"I miss him..." she said and turned her head to him.

She found him looking at her with affection, the same affection she could always see in his eyes every time he was looking at her. He raised his right hand and took her left hand in it. She gave his hand a small squeeze and lowered her head nervously.

"It is alright sweetheart! I think you need to go back to him. He needs you!" he said and moved a bit closer to her.

"I want to stay with you but..."

"I know, you don't have to explain yourself! We had our time together, now... It is time to go to them. You belong to them!" he cut her off gently and he raised her eyes timidly to look at him with guilt.

"But I also belong to you, I mean... You are my father and I love you like crazy! You have been doing everything for me!" she said sadly.

"True but... You have a family now and... You are a mother! Your place is next to them and my place is next to you even from up here!"

"I love you very much dad! I have always loved you!" she whispered ready to cry and he wrapped his strong arms around her immediately.

She buried her face in his chest like when she was a child and he kissed the top of her head in desperation. She had missed him and she wanted to stay with him but she also wanted to go back and he knew it. He didn't want her to stay with him because he knew it wasn't fair for her or her family, pack and friends.

"I want you to be happy baby. You can be from now on. You have everything... Two amazing kids, a great, big family, a loyal, strong pack and... The best man there is for a mate. He... He had made mistakes but he really loves you! He was ready to sacrifice himself for you, he became a man worth of you! And I am of both of you!" he told her smiling warmly and he nodded crying slightly.

"He reminds me of you..."

"Yes baby angel! I think he does and this is why I am sure you will always be in good hands!"

"Dad..." she began but paused and pulled back raising her eyes to meet with him.

"I..." she tried to say again but stopped.

"It is hard, isn't it?" he asked her with understanding and she bitted her lower lip.

The truth was that it was more than difficult for her to tell him but she had to. She wanted him to know not that he didn't but she wanted to tell him one last time.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and when she opened them again some seconds later she sighed getting rid of the nervousness and felt ready.

"Father, you are my example, the reason I had been fighting and never accepted to be defeated, I always wanted to make you proud of me and I will never stop trying! I will do my best, for the rest of my life until I meet you again for once and for all! And... The most important thing I want you to know is that..." she paused and took both of his hands in hers and he felt the first tears falling from his eyes too drown in her.

He was feeling his 'heart' ready to explode in his chest. He didn't want to interrupt her, she had captured him again like she had been always doing every time she was talking. She always had a special effect on him, she was his drug, his greatest love, the brightest star in his sky.

"I am dying for you father but..." she paused again, lowered and then turned her head on her right to see him still at the same position she had been some minutes again.

She felt some tears building up and smiled melancholically. Her heart was telling her that it was the right thing to do, she couldn't stay away from him for more.

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