Chapter Thirteen

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We all stood out on the beach that night. The sun had set and we were waiting for Nyx and Erebus. The mood was tense. The wind was filled with worry as it washed over us. Arrow held Clarissa tightly, trying to keep his cool. He was worried about his parents. Soren had his arms around Rosalie and Ryder had his arms around me. The Designator was using my physical presence as a grounding mechanism. He was distraught, I could see it in his eyes. And yet he was trying to keep his emotions in check. Calix was was pacing and Nemesis was trying to calm him down.

Then there was a flourish of shadows and they appeared. Nyx and a man who I assumed was Erebus. He was tall and had the same dark hair as the Fates, the only difference was that his eyes were navy blue.

The Fates and Nemesis rushed over to their parents and embraced them.

"It's alright," Nyx assured them, "We're alright." The moonlight fell on Nyx's head and I had to hold back my gasp of shock. Running down her neck was a massive gash. It was healing, but it was more than likely that Eris was responsible for putting it there.

"I'm going to kill her," Arrow growled as he noticed the gash on his Mother's neck.

"You will do no such thing," Nyx told him, "You and your brothers are not at your full strength yet."

"Are these them?" Erebus asked, gesturing to Clarissa, Rosalie, and me.

"Yes," Arrow replied, "Father, this is Clarissa North, Rosalie Chase, and Avalon Winter, three of the Fated Four."

"It's an honour to meet you," Clarissa told Erebus, "Although, I wish the circumstances were better."

"As do I, but I'm pleased to meet you there and welcome you into my family," Erebus replied.

"What happened?" Ryder asked, steering the conversation back to the matter at hand.

"Eris ambushed me," Nyx replied, "She caught me by surprise. I was in the Field of Stars with some nymphs when she struck."

"One of the nymphs rushed back to the palace and told me what was going on," Erebus added, "I rushed out to help your Mother. I got there just just in time to watch as Eris sliced your Mother's neck open. I charged at her, but she vanished. I tended to your Mother and helped her heal. Zephyrus witnessed some of the carnage, so I sent him to tell you what happened, although I think he panicked a little."

"That's putting it mildly," Ryder scoffed, "He gave Bolbe a scare."

"Were you able to hold her off Mother?" Arrow asked, "I just need to know if Eris has gotten stronger."

"She overpowered me far too quickly," Nyx sighed, "I don't know where she got that kind of power. Maybe she siphoned one of the Gods."

"Maybe," Calix agreed, "Are you alright, Mother?"

"I'm alright Calix," Nyx assured her son, "I'm just a little weak still."

Rosalie snapped her fingers and a chair appeared.

"Thank you, Rosalie," Nyx told her before taking a seat.

"Did Eris say anything to you?" Arrow asked.

"Eris was furious with me," Nyx replied, "She claimed that your Father and I favoured the four of you over her. She said that the Fates were nothing compared to her and that she was going to rule Olympus. She told me that I could either help her achieve her goals or perish along with the Fates. Obviously I sided with the four of you and that's when she sliced my neck open." Erebus squeezed her hand affectionately. He looked concerned and he had every right to be. This whole situation was putting his family in danger.

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