Chapter Ten

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All those people...

It's all your fault!

You're just a broken man.

How could anyone ever love you?!

You don't deserve Avalon!

You're a monster!

A demon!

A wolf in sheep's clothing!

A liar!

A murderer!

"No!" I cried as I dropped to my knees and covered my ears, "I didn't kill those people!"

Your lack of influence lead to their deaths.

You could have saved them. That makes you responsible for their deaths.

"I tried—" I began, but the voices cut me off.

You failed!

You should never have existed!

You're not worthy of being a Fate!






I sat up abruptly and gasped for air

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I sat up abruptly and gasped for air. My heart was pounding in my chest and there was sweat on my forehead. I gripped the blankets tightly. Why did this keep happening? I rubbed my temples, trying to calm down and get a grip.

My own mind was tormenting me. I needed to calm down. I couldn't let this break me anymore than it already had.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice ask. I looked up and found Arrow standing there.

"I'm fine," I assured him.

"Something's wrong, Ryder, don't lie to me," Arrow told me. I sighed. He was always able to see right through me.

I should have been used to this by now. I had been experiencing this torment for centuries. And Arrow had been consoling me for just as least...when he wasn't dealing with his own torment. But now that he was healing, he seemed to be devoting more time to making sure Calix, Soren, and I were alright.

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