Chapter Three

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I found myself standing on the edge of a moonlit lake. There was a dock nearby and I saw a figure laying on the dock. I carefully approached the figure and was surprised to find that it was Ryder.

"Ryder?" I asked, wanting to confirm that it was him. He turned to look at me and his eyes widened.

"Avalon," he gasped as he sat up, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know," I replied, "I fell asleep and ended up here. What is this place?"

"This is the lake next to my home," he replied as I sat down next to him on the dock.

"It's so peaceful," I stated.

"Night makes everything peaceful," Ryder told me, "But it makes those that were born in its darkness, restless."

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"Children of Nyx are usually restless at night," he stated.

"Are you?" I asked.

"Usually," he replied.

I felt at peace just sitting here next to him. Then I remembered what my Dad told me about the prophecy.

"My Dad told me about the prophecy," I told him.

"And what exactly did he tell you?" Ryder asked.

"Just that you and your brothers need to find your soulmates in order to be at your full strength when you face Eris," I stated, "And that I'm one of the Fated Four. I'm meant to help you."

I left our the part about me being the soulmate of a Fate deliberately. I didn't want to think about that right now.

"Yes, you're one of the Fated Four," Ryder told me.

"Have you found the others?" I asked curiously.

"We didn't find them," Ryder corrected me, "In a way, they found us."

"Who are they?" I asked.

"Clarissa North and Rosalie Chase," Ryder replied, "Clary is Melinoe's daughter and Rose is Hecate's."

"And Acheron's daughter?" I asked curiously.

"We haven't found her yet," Ryder stated.

I nodded in understanding and we both fell silent for a few moments. Then Ryder spoke again.

"You look different," he told me.

"My Dad unlocked my powers or something like that," I replied.

"Ah I see," Ryder stated, "I guess walking in other people's dreams is one of your powers. It makes sense. Your Father is a God of many things, one of which is sleep."

"Is my being here bothering you?" I asked, "I can go—"

"No!" he replied as he blushed, "No...I...I enjoy your company. It's nice having someone to talk to."

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