Chapter Five

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AN: So slight warning for this chapter. Avalon talks about some dark things. I'll give you guys fair warning, don't worry. We'll be carrying on in Ryder's head during this chapter. Hope you all enjoy! Be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Five!

 Hope you all enjoy! Be sure to drop some comments as you read! Now onward and forward to Chapter Five!

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Avalon was looking at me with those beautiful hazel eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Avalon, you can't be here right now," I told her.

"The hell I can't," she told me, "I can walk in dreams remember?"

Look at her, Ryder. She'll never be able to handle your pain.

"Avalon, please...just go," I pleaded.

"Not until you tell me what all of this is," she said firmly, "You're clearly hurting and I want to know why."

"Why do you care?" I asked, "You don't know me."

"Maybe not, but I'd like to," she replied, "Besides, there's some part of me that cares about you and I can't figure out why."

She doesn't care about you.

She could never love someone as broken as you.

You are nothing.

"What can I do, Ryder?" Avalon asked, "Just tell me what I can do to help you. Please...I...I can't stand seeing you like this."

But I couldn't answer, I was too overwhelmed by the voices whispering in my ears. Avalon placed her hands on my cheeks and forced me to look at her. To my utter shock, she began to glow and emit a silvery light. The light spread and I heard the shadows wail as it chased them away. The room melted away and the sky shifted as it became full of stars. A lake appeared and a dock appeared underneath our feet.

The light around Avalon subsided and I looked around in awe. We were next to the lake. How had that happened? I certainly hadn't done that. Avalon must have. The dream walker was a dream influencer.

"You did this," I gasped in disbelief, "How did you do that?"

"I didn't mean to," she told me, "It sort of just happened when I thought about how to calm you down. You looked like you were in a lot of pain."

"I was," I replied as I bit my lip.

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

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