The Sword's Spell

Start from the beginning

The Dhampir was absentmindedly walking around, trying to get to no place, in particular, he was just bored and didn't feel like sleeping. He stopped though when he looked up and saw that he was in the swords section again. Weird, it felt like he had been lead here by something, Alucard could definitely sense that. He decided not the dwell on it though. Looking around, Alucard's eyes landed on the cursed sword, the one Trevor had warned him about, the one he'd almost opened.

The thought was bugging him in the back of his head all day, what did the sword do to you exactly? Was it like an enchantment? Or perhaps it refracted light and created allusions so you couldn't really process what you were doing. He could go on and on about what he thought was the reason.

If curiosity killed the cat was true, this was purely an example of it.

Alucard slowly approached the sword that was in the same position that he'd last seen it. Carefully, he lifted it without a sound. Hesitantly, he glanced around, making sure Trevor or Sypha hadn't randomly woken up. Certain now that he was the only one awake, Alucard placed his hands on the handle and sheath of the sword, kept them there for what felt like an eternity before he finally pried it open.

It took some effort, but when Alucard pulled the sheath away quickly, the blade gave off a flash of light. The light was of many colors, all in a verity of brightness and shade. At first, Alucard didn't look at the blade, he kept his eyes shut tightly, but then heard things, like the blade was whispering to him, telling him to open his eyes, that he wouldn't regret it. Compelled by the blade's whispers, that's just what he did.

Alucard cracked open his eyes just barely, but with one look at the blade, his fate was sealed. He couldn't bring himself to look away, nor could he not keep listening to the whispers. They said many things to him and gave him all sorts of ideas. Suddenly, his golden irises turned a pale violet as he got the perfect idea of what to do with this sword.

The sounds of ringing blades woke Trevor up with a start. He looked around, no one there with him but Sypha, who was still asleep. He shook the speaker awake, which was a little difficult at first as she tried smacking him in the face. "Sypha, wake up! I've got a bad feeling about where Alucard is right now."

Sypha yawned and rubbed her eyes in annoyance. "What? He's probably walking around or something."

That thought was soon disposed of when the sound of ringing blades was heard again, this time much closer. "Well, shit, maybe he's not then."

Trevor helped her up and right when they were about to go look for their friend, he'd already found them. Alucard jumped down from either a shelf or a floor above and landed on the other end of the aisle in front of Trevor and Sypha. One look at him and the two saw a murderous intent in his eyes along with their new color. Trevor immediately saw the sword in the blonde's hand, the very one he'd told him NOT to touch ever again.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Trevor yelled in pure outrage.

"You should've hidden this better so your friend wouldn't find it," Alucard spoke, his voice hadn't changed at all, but anyone could tell that those weren't his words, they were from whatever was controlling him.

"He's rather strong, might I add, so who knows what I'll be able to do with him..." the Dhampir chuckled.

Trevor sighed in pure aggravation. He got out the Morning Star as Sypha took a stance with specific hand poses. "Ah, a magician," Alucard was purely surprised, "this will be interesting..."

The Dhampir immediately went for Sypha, and when Trevor was about to help her, Alucard's own sword flew from its sheath and pointed directly at the brunette. "For God's sake..." Trevor sighed, he didn't think he'd be fighting a sword tonight.

Sypha was fending off Alucard pretty well, but each icicle she summoned was sliced to cubes, and each flame was dodged excellently. "Not bad, but let's see how you do against this!" Alucard grinned, teleporting behind her.

Sypha immediately raised up an ice wall, blocking the thrust that would've other wised killed her. "Good, good," Alucard wasn't displeased by her dodges, he was merely amused.

Trevor was having a hard time fighting Alucard's sword as it moved at lightning-fast speeds, slicing the air dangerously close to us face. "Fuck fuck fuck!" Trevor grit his teeth, ducking and jumping multiple times until he caught the levitating sword in the Morning Star, the chain wrapped around the blade.

"Gotcha!" Trevor yelled triumphantly, but his glee immediately vanished when the sword jerked upwards, yanking the Morning Star from his grasp.


Meanwhile, Sypha was still fending off Alucard when she summoned an ice pole, to which Alucard hacked his sword into, too close for comfort. "Come on, is that really all you can do?" He asked in a mocking tone.

Sypha glared at him before punching him square in the face, sending him tumbling back. "I have fists too!"

Alucard stood, growling as he was no longer in the mood for games. "So you won't go down easily, huh?"

He summoned his other sword back to him, grabbing it in his free hand before facing both Trevor and Sypha. He began twirling both swords in separate hands while glaring at the two.

"Dual wielding... just great." Trevor's grabbed his whip and stood next to Sypha. "We need to destroy the sword, disarming him will just make things more difficult."

"Right," Sypha nodded, "I'll distract him, you take care of the sword."

They went separate ways, Sypha coming from the left, and Trevor from the right. The sorceress made several ice platforms for her to get a height advantage before she jumped over Alucard. When the Dhampir whipped his head around to face her, she blasted a mist of tiny ice shards at his face and eyes, blinding him.

When Alucard yelled and closed his eyes in pain, Trevor cracked the Morning Star and wrapped the chain around the cursed sword. A few tugs wouldn't do the job, so he jerked his hands back as hard as he could, sending a powerful ripple back to the blade.

The blade snapped from its handle, shattering into millions of pieces. Alucard screamed, a surge of pain shooting through him like lightning as he fell back and dropped to the ground. With the sword (or what was left of it) out of his hands, Trevor and Sypha ran over to him immediately. "Alucard! Are you okay?!" Sypha gasped as she and Trevor lifted the blonde into a sitting position.

Moments later, Alucard came to, eyelashes fluttering open, eyes golden again as he coughed a few times. "Ugh..." he groaned, placing a hand on his forehead. "I... what happened?"

"You were a complete idiot, became possessed by the sword, and tried to kill me and Sypha." Trevor said bluntly with a huff.

"Oh..." Alucard looked away, blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry, but I had to know..."

"And I thought Trevor was the stupid one..." Sypha muttered.

They helped Alucard up, gathered every piece of the blade and handle, and properly disposed of it by burning it all, what should've been done in the first place. Afterwards, back in the hold, they all decided to sleep for the night, not wanting any more wandering off and getting possessed by relics.

Trevor leant back against a shelf, Alucard to his left and Sypha to his right with a blanket around all of them. "And after a descriptive and important warning..."

"Oh shut up, I learned me lesson, alright?" Alucard elbowed the brunette in the side.

"Well, you should've learnt it before getting possessed." Sypha chuckled.

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