Pleasures of a Mortal

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More gods AU Trevor because I'm too attached to Trevor dammit.

Short story/gods AU

Summary : A god walks into a tavern and says to the bartender, "Got anything light?" (Because divine light and all, I'm sorry this joke is bad)


It was around nine o'clock, the sun was setting and most people were going back to their homes to sleep for the night. In this particular town however, a few stayed awake, and headed to a tavern that night. This was a pretty normal town, mostly a farming one and never had any issues with anyone, the people were nice too. So on this night, just as the sun had was leaving it's finally rays of light, a man approached the entrance to the town and immediately spotted the tavern. This man was no stranger to taverns, he spent quite a bit of his time in them when he was alive.

Trevor smiled as he remembered how lively the one in his hometown to be, and wondered if this place was the same. "Ah, the pleasures of the mortal world, things I'll never be able to enjoy ever again as a human... but this time, as a god." He chucked to himself, knowing that despite being immortal, he could still get drunk. Hopefully that didn't happen tonight, he still had some dignity and certainly didn't want to wake up the next morning on the side of the road with his face buried in the dirt.

Trevor was about to approach when he remembered something, his appearance. He couldn't just waltz in there looking how he normally looked with clothes that were lined with gold and had extravagant designs on them. He would get more than a few looks and questions. So he decided to change that. Trevor looked down at his outfit and frowned, but with a simple wave and flick of his wrist, his appearance changed instantly. He considered not keeping the same face as well.

Now, he looked like an old man, it was the same one he had disguised himself as when he went to Târgovişte. Despite this being a good disguise, Trevor shook his head. "Too old." He muttered before waving his hand once more. Now he looked like seventeen year old boy with black hair, and it was then that he realized the drinking age had changed in the past few years. "Too young."

After a few minutes of trial and error, Trevor thought about the possibility of him disguising himself as a woman. He blushed immediately and shook his head to clear the thought. He decided to settle for keeping his face but changing his clothes. With one, final wave of his hand, his clothes became a beige shirt with sleeves that ended at the elbows, and light brown trousers that ended at his ankles with basic shoes. Trevor examined himself, then smiled. "Ah, the classic peasant..." He smirked, he fit in with the crowd perfectly.

The brunette finally began to walk forward towards the tavern and opened to door, stepping inside casually. Most of the people inside were talking to one another while others were sitting quietly. As Trevor made his way through them to a vacant table, he felt their eyes on him. It was expected, he had never been here and of course people were going to look at an unfamiliar face.

As soon as he sat down, a few people at the long table directly in front of the bartender and drinks all began to whisper to one another quietly. Trevor knew they were talking about him but payed no mind to it. That was until one of the people at the long table turned around to face Trevor and began speaking to him. "Hey there, we haven't seen your face here before. You new here?" It was a man in his twenties with fluffy, black hair covered by a red bandanna, dark skin, and grey eyes. He was dressed in a more sailing outfit than anything, with trousers that cut off at his knees and sleeves that had cut at his elbows. There was also a Spanish accent in his voice.

"I'm just passing through." Trevor replies with a shrug. The man at the long table paused for a moment to think before speaking again. "Here, come sit with us. You shouldn't be alone here." He offered, motioning to a chair next to him. Trevor was very surprised by the action but proceeded to sit down next to the man nonetheless. "I'm Grant Danasty, this here's Mitchell and Steph." He introduced himself and his two friends to Trevor, a man and a woman about his age, though Steph seemed a bit older.

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