A God's Sympathy

384 7 9

Requested by PinkZ64. This is all for you!

X reader (of any gender)/gods AU

H/C - Hair color
Y/N - Your name
L/N - Last name

Summary : Gods only get involved with the affairs of mortals for reasons they deem serious. For Alucard, this problem is crucial.



Wallachia hadn't changed that much since Alucard was alive. In fact, he hadn't been there in two years or so with his responsibilities as a god. So here the Dhampir was now, visible to the mortals as he roamed about the square of a city. There was a hood over his head so he wouldn't be recognized, not that anyone could really tell who he was anyways, he had only encountered a few people who had figured out he was a god. Still, one could never be too careful. The hood hid his eyes and just where his nose ended, there was also a long cape attached to said hood so his sword and attire wasn't seen either.

As he walked through the square, Alucard suddenly heard shouting coming from the cathedral not too far from him. He walked closer, not fully understanding what was going on since there was a whole crowd blocking his view. When he finally managed to push past them, Alucard saw someone being led inside, in handcuffs. Their cloths were ripped and torn, their H/C hair was appeared matted down to their forehead by sweat, and worst of all, their expression was saddening, it was utterly depressing.

Why were they being led inside the cathedral though? If they were a criminal, then they should be heading to a prison? "What's going on?" Alucard asked a man next to him. "The church caught another witch/wizards, they were using satanic tools and devices. They'll probably be killed either today or a few days later." The man didn't look sad about this, rather at peace than anything. Perhaps he was... happy this was happening?

Alucard looked back at the person being led inside, the doors finally closed behind them and they were out of sight. The Dhampir knew better to believe the tools they were using were actually of the devil, he too had been in a situation similar to this. Making up his mind, Alucard walked away from the cathedral and behind a building. Once he was sure he was alone, he discarded his hooded cloak, revealing his clothing of black and gold, the circlet atop his head shined in the sunlight.

With a simple wave of his hand, Alucard became transparent, invisible to mortals. "Much better." He sighed, preferring this form over the visible one, so that no matter what he was doing, he wouldn't be questioned or seen. Fixing his long jacket, the god walked into the square once more and began to head towards the cathedral. He was careful to avoid people even though he would just walk right through them without them even feeling a thing.

Passing through the tall doors, Alucard saw no one inside the building of worship at first. The Dhampir heard someone talking up ahead, almost arguing. Alucard approached the sound and after turning a few corners, he found a room where you sat at a table in front of who the blonde assumed was the head bishop. Your hands were in front of you now as they were resting on the table, upon closer inspection, they even had a few cuts along the fingers.

"Do you really think you could get away with this?" The head bishop asked you, not really expecting an answer. "That you could practice black magic and not be caught?" He then turned to face you.

"Y/N L/N, of course you would consort with the devil." You didn't say anything in reply to the head bishop, you just sat there, starring them dead in the eyes with hatred.

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