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Very angsty. If you've read my other book, My Boyfriends a Vampire, then you'll know how Alucard got his scar even though it's a modern AU. This is basically how it happened or what could have been...

Short story/(story behind the) Modern AU

Summary : No summary, just angst.


"I won't let you do it." Alucard made himself clear as he stood across from his father. This was after his father had spoken aloud about his plans for the execution of humanity. Honestly, Alucard was almost shaking, his mother, gone, and now he had to face his own father like this. He worried about every possible outcome of the situation. "I grieve with you... but I won't let you commit genocide!" The Dhampir narrowed his eyes as he tried his best to seem collected.

Vlad's hands shook as he clutched then into fists so hard, that they bled from his palms. Suddenly, he yelled in anger, jumping at his son in a blind rage. Alucard just barely saw it coming and reached for the handle of his longsword, but he was too late. It seemed as if the world slowed down so that every detail was felt. Vlad slashed across Alucard's chest, hard. The second his sharp, long nails stabbed into Alucard's skin, the blonde was in too much pain to even scream at first.

The Dhampir did though, after his father had completely torn through his shirt and skin in one, long slash, Alucard let out a blood curdling scream. He fell to the floor moments later, bleeding from his chest, it was split open grotesquely. As soon as this had happened though, Vlad's eyes widened as he realized what he had done. Alucard lay on the floor on his side, panting, shaking with pain, and his face twisted in agony. There was blood surrounding him like a pool, he even coughed up blood in response to this unbearable burn.

Vlad could only stand there, horrified at what he had just done. The vampire's hands trembled, there was still blood on his nails. Alucard tried to move, he tried to stand, but every movement caused him more pain. The blonde gasped like he couldn't breath and moments after, he collapsed, going unconscious from both the blood loss and shock. He didn't know if he would wake up, he worried that the next time he opened his eyes, he would be dead. The last thing Alucard heard before blacking out was his father yelling his name once in panic.



After the world around him faded into darkness, it seemed like years had passed when Alucard woke up. The Dhampir was in a dream like state though, not fully conscious, but not entirely asleep either. The world was a haze and his vision blurred for a few, long seconds before focusing. When his sight cleared, Alucard didn't recognize where he was. This place didn't look familiar. He was laying down that was for sure, he just didn't know where. What Alucard was looking up at what seemed like a starry night sky.

Every blink felt like it made him either more asleep, or more awake. Soon though, the texture of what Alucard was laying on changed. Instead of nothingness like before, it was now replaced with... grass? It felt like he was laying in a grass field. Aluacrd couldn't move his head to look around himself, he could only continue to look up at the sky. Moving one hand, the Dhampir tried to reach out to his left to grab at something, anything. Instead, that hand moved to his chest as it began to throb in pain like a needle to the finger would.

Furrowing his brows, Alucard closed his eyes tightly and bit his lip to suppress any sounds discomfort. The throb in his chest soon vanished as the night sky above rotated slightly. While just laying there without knowing where he was, the blonde could hear a faint voice calling him.

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