No One Else

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This takes place in the show, but Alucard and Trevor are much older. I'll be calling this the "older"

One shot/older AU



Many years had passed since Dracula's defeat, and many things had happened as well, one of those many things was that his son and the last member of the Belmont clan were living together, very peacefully might I add. Alucard was pulling a white shirt over his head when Trevor propped his face up on his hand onto a table. "Y'know, you look so much older now, your father's side is actually starting to show a little."

Alucard chuckled lightly before looking into a nearby mirror. Trevor was right, his jawline was even sharper and his cheekbones resembled his father. He was also much taller and his voice had deepened along with his Romanian accent. "Hmmh, I suppose it has." The Dhampir nodded.

Trevor had aged a lot as well, he had thicker hair and broader shoulders, his jawline was more rough, but in a rather attractive way. His voice had gotten deeper as well to Alucard's liking. He still had the same stubble from his younger years, but he was only in his thirties just like Alucard.

It was early in the morning at the time and both men were quite enjoying the early breeze. Trevor stood and walked over to Alucard while wrapping his arms around the Dhampir's waist from behind. "Can we really call ourselves a couple?" Alucard raised a brow while Trevor nuzzled into his neck.

The question made the Belmont laugh, he kissed Alucard's neck lightly and smiled. "You didn't give me that ring for nothing, right?" He looked down at the golden band that was around his ring finger as Alucard had one on his as well. "Well a relationship like this could get us burned at the stake by these God forsaken priests..." The Dhampir sighed.

"True," Trevor nodded, "but no one has to know but us."

Alucard turned his head to kiss Trevor's forehead. "Did you forget we told Sypha and Grant about this?" Of course, Trevor shook his head at the question.

The Dhampir turned around to face Trevor before kissing him on the lips tenderly. The Belmont smirked into the kiss as they both walked backwards leading to Trevor falling back onto the bed they shared. "I love it when you're like this." Trevor said as he wrapped his arms around Alucard's neck.

When Alucard got on top of Trevor, both men realized that this was very reminiscent of the first time they met.

They paused for a moment before laughing. "Should I get a dagger and steak you in the heart?" Trevor mused before the Dhampir chuckled. "Maybe I should rip your throat out?"

Who cares if their relationship was something forbidden? As long as they loved each other, it didn't matter. No one else but both men and their two friends knew, and that was the way they wanted to keep it.

No one else.

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