Not Alone

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It's short, but I decided to post it now since I haven't updated this book in a while.

Short story/within the show (after season 2)

Summary : Hector's forged animals are still alive, you know. They're still in Dracula's Castle. What do you think Alucard's reaction was when he discovered them?


After a day or two of living in his father's castle, Alucard looked around and realized something very concerning. This place was in more than in need of a fixer upper. The smell of decay still lingered in the main hall as some of the dead bodies of vampires were still there. Alucard even noticed that the smell of dried blood still lingered on him. So then the decision was made to clean the place up a bit and wash away all the death and bitter look.

After more than two days of cleaning everything up, Alucard had discovered a room with the door closed and locked from the inside. He recognized some of the symbols on it as forgery or something similar to that. After trying to twist the knob a few times firmly, Alucard heard the sound of sniffing on the other side. Was something living in there?

His curiosity grew as he knocked on the door, only to hear faint chirping in response. Alucard took a few steps back before bracing himself for impact upon the door, he ran at it at full speed before hitting the firm door with his side and falling into the room. That wasn't the best idea, the Dhampir sat up while he groaned. He felt something sniffing at his foot and looked up to see something he did not expect.

It was a small, black dog, a pug to be exact. The dog began licking at his shoe before looking to its left to see Alucard looking directly at it. The pug walked up to him then, in a happy manner. That's when Alucard saw it wasn't exactly like any normal pug. It's right eye was missing as some bone could be seen around the dark hole. Its left leg was all bone, but if you looked at it from the right angle, it would appear like any normal pug.

Alucard hesitated before reaching out to pet the dog on the head, reaching a bit behind its ear. He smiled faintly, now what was this adorable animal doing in a place like this. Something else nudged the blonde on his back, scaring him a little. He turned to see an orange and white fox, one of its ears was chipped off as some of its ribs could be seen on its chest. Now this was interesting...

Standing up, Alucard saw two more animals that didn't exactly look too much alive. An owl with a bone leg and a cat with most of its body being muscle instead of fur. The cat was sleeping on the floor on a pillow while the owl was sitting calmly on a table. What on Earth was going on in this room?

Now Alucard clearly understood what these animals were. They were reanimated back to live by the act of forging. This must have been a forge master's room. Alucard smiled, walking over to examine the owl closely. The bird looked rather pleased to see him, it appeared all the animals were happy to have the company of someone. The cat nuzzled against Alucard's leg in a neutral way, making a deep purr in the process.

The Dhampir chuckled slightly, reaching down to pick up the black pug who had came up to him again. He pet them on the head affectionately once more, seeing the dog close its eyes and stick out its tongue in joy. Now this was going to be interesting, now that he had to live with these animals in his home now, take care of them, watch them. The idea of living in the castle wasn't as bad as Alucard had thought now.

"Well... it appears I'm not alone here after all."

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