11. La Push, Baby!

Start from the beginning

At this point Magnolia had sat down and was pulling out her lunch, carefully eyeing Bella, in case she needed her.

"La Push, baby. It's, La Push." Eric spoke as if he had just convinced Bella to come with those few words.

Bella chuckled. "Okay, I'll go if you stop saying it that way," She shook her head and turned to Magnolia. "I'll be back." She said quietly.

Magnolia nodded and turned her attention to the group. "I'm obviously invited, right?" She laughed.

Jessica clapped happily. "Of course! After I get a few waves in we can talk about..." She dropped her voice to a whisper, but she obviously meant for the table to hear. "Jasper."

Eric, Tyler and Mike perked up.

"Oh? What's this about you and Mr. Hale?" Eric smiled, leaning further onto the table. Even Angela became more interested, moving closer in.

Magnolia glared at Jessica, and took a bite of her sandwich, shaking her head. "Nothing is... It's just a little inside joke. You guys wouldn't get it."

The boys leaned back, deflated, obviously disappointed they didn't get the answer they wanted. Angela, on the other hand, did not. "I don't think so. I'm I crazy or did I pretty much see you two make out during the movie in history?"

Magnolias' eyes widened, which seemed to confirm the answer for the whole table. Eric laughed, and Mike patted Magnolia on the back, congratulating her.

"We were not—I wasn't—He wasn't!" Magnolia could barely form a sentence, finally giving up, and sinking further into her chair, eating her sandwich in embarrassment, enduring the teasing of Tyler, Mike and Eric, until Bella finally returned with her food.

"Was Cullen bothering you?" Mike had stood up, letting Bella take his seat. She quietly thanked him.

"No," Bella shook her head. "Maggie, I could drive you tomorrow if you'd like?"

Magnolia smiled. "I wouldn't have expected anything different."

The drive to the beach wasn't as long as Magnolia remembered it being. She and Bella laughed and sang loudly and poorly along to the songs on the CDs Bella put in. Magnolia had insisted on some Beatles.

They finally made it down, meeting up with the rest of the group, who had taken Mike's family vans. Angela waved as the two girls approached, handing them blankets to keep them warm while they watched the others surf.

"It's freezing," Eric shivered as he spoke, pulling his arms through his wetsuit. "I don't know if it's worth it anymore."

Jessica rolled her eyes. "We came all the way out here. I'm at least paddling out."

"You guys are babies," Magnolia called out from her warm spot in the van, earning a very mature middle finger from Eric. Mike stuck his tongue out childishly.

"I keep thinking Eric's gonna ask me to the prom," Angela started speaking in a hushed voice, turning Magnolia and Bella's attention away from the surfers. "And he just...doesn't." She chuckled bitterly, glancing over at Eric.

"You should ask him," Bella said, not looking up from her packet of Twizzlers. "Take control. You're a strong, independent woman."

"I am?" Angela tilted her head in denial.

Magnolia scooted closer to Bella, leaning over to Angela. "Yes. You're that and so much more, Angela." This earned a wide smile from the girl, but the conversation was interrupted by Jessica, wanting Angela to zip up her wetsuit.

"Bella!" A voice called. Magnolia immediately recognized it as Jacob Blacks. She turned her head, and took a sharp breath in, noticing Paul was with him. He gave her a sheepish smile.

"Hi, Jacob. Guys this is Jacob." Bella introduced the boy to Angela, Jessica and Magnolia.

Jacob turned to Magnolia, smiling wide. "I thought after what Paul did yesterday, I'd never see you set foot here again." He chuckled and earned a slap on the arm from Paul.

Bella's head tilted in curiosity. "You two know each other?"

Jacob nodded enthusiastically. "Uh-huh! Since we were little babies. Her mom and my dad are old friends."

Bella turned to Magnolia. "You didn't tell me this." Her voice held an accusatory undertone. She crossed her arms and huffed.

Magnolia chuckled, shaking her head. "You never asked. How was I supposed to know you knew Jacob? You didn't tell me." She jabbed her finger jokingly into Bella's side, causing the girl to squirm.

"Magnolia?" The sorceress turned her head towards the source of the voice. Paul held himself differently today. He was slouched, eyes never staying on anyone for long, fidgeting with his hands. He looked much different from the cocky teen he was Thursday. "Could I speak with you, for a second?" 

Jessica's perked up at this and smirked at Magnolia. "Sure, Paul." Magnolia glared at Jessica quickly, and got up, letting Jacob take her seat. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her and walked down to the beach.

Paul didn't speak for about a minute, opening and then closing his mouth, trying to find the right words. He sighed. "I'm sorry. You can't imagine how bad I feel."

Magnolia kept her eyes on the sand, as they slowly trudged along. "It's okay, Paul. No hard feelings. You didn't know my head would land on a rock," She laughed. Paul stopped. He looked up at Magnolia, his big brown eyes watering. "Paul?"

He sniffled, quickly looking away. "I'm such a baby, I'm sorry. It's just...seeing you again, after three years, after how I'd hurt you back then, I thought I could make it up to you, use your old pet name. But I let my anger get the best of me during the spar, and I hurt you more," He looked down again. "I don't deserve your forgiveness."

Magnolia took a deep breath. Stepping forward, she softly took his hand, causing his head to snap up in surprise. "You do deserve forgiveness. And you have it. I don't hold you accountable for something stupid you did three years ago. I accept your apology." She wrapped him in a hug.

Paul stiffened, but soon enough he melted into the hug and buried his head into Magnolia's hair. They stood like that for who knows how long until a cough interrupted them.

Jacob stood next to Bella with a smirk on his face. "Mind if we steal Maggie for a walk, Paul?" He couldn't contain his laughter.

Paul glared. "I'll see you later, Magnolia." His eyes softened as he looked at her. He walked off, and Magnolia took Bella's arm.

"I'll tell you later." She whispered as they started walking further down the beach.

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