08. Accident

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Magnolia felt as though she might cry. She stared down at the floor while her dad screamed at Carlisle. It was embarrassing—absolutely embarrassing. Jasper stood a ways away from her, next to Alice, feeling horrible. He could feel how embarrassed she was and he wanted nothing more than to wrap her in a hug and tell her it was all going to be okay—but he couldn't. He didn't know if It'd be okay.

Carlisle stayed silent, listening to her father's wrath, never breaking his gaze away from him. Finally, he stopped, breathing heavily. "Magnolia," His hard gaze turned to his daughter. "We're leaving. Now."

The girl's eyes widened at his sudden acknowledgement of her. She stood up slowly. "This wasn't her fault, Timothy. Me and my wife take full responsibility."

Timothy, her dad, glared at the vampire. "Oh I know it wasn't her fault—I know how manipulating you bloodsuckers can be." His eyes trailed over to Jasper. The southerner glared back at him. Magnolia felt her anger rise at the jab toward Jasper. She clenched her fists and walked to his side. She frowned at Emmet and Rosalie, who smiled sadly at her. Esme stepped forward.

"Not a step closer." Her father warned.

Esme stopped. She watched Timothy out of the corner of her eye as she addressed Magnolia. "I'm sorry, sweetie. It was great having you. And remember, none of this was your fault." Esme could tell the young human girl felt at fault for what had occurred with her father—she wanted her to know that it wasn't.

Timothy scoffed loudly. He was beyond angry—Jasper could feel it, it consumed him. There was nothing stopping him from killing the entire coven right then and there. "Magnolia. Car." He spoke through gritted teeth.

Magnolia dreaded the fifteen-minute car ride, expecting to reprimand harshly. She nodded, turning her eyes to the floor, and leaving the Cullen's house. She opened the passenger side door, got into the car and buckled up. Even though she wasn't looking, she could still feel the eyes of her friends on her—though they wouldn't be friends anymore, if her parents could help it.

She looked up at the sound of hard stomps on gravel. Timothy stormed out of the house, and Magnolia swore that if he wasn't careful he would've ripped the door off of the car. He ruffly sat down and started the ignition without buckling up, leaving the Cullen's driveway without a second thought.


Weeks went by. Magnolia hadn't spoken to the Cullens. She would hang out with Bella, Jessica and Angela during the school day, and now her mother would drive her home. If possible her training became even more gruelling—perhaps punishment for what had happened weeks prior.

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