In my time of dying part 2

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Dean stood in the corner of his room as his siblings walked back in.
Darcey sat at the edge of the bed, a little away from Sam.
Dean could see her red, tear stained cheeks. Telling him that she either has been crying because of this situation, or crying because of a panic attack.
He also noticed how she held Grayson in a protective way as she distanced herself from Sam.
As Sam sat in the bed, he talked
"Hey, so Dad wasn't in his room." He says
"Where is he?" Dean asked
"But I got Dad's journal, so who knows? Maybe there's something in here." Sam tells him.
Dean looked to Darcey one more time before looking back to Sam, her eyes looking anywhere but Dean laying on the bed.

The second Winchester walked a little closer to the youngest one. He looked between his siblings.
"Thanks for not giving up on me." He says
When Sam found the page on Reaper's, Dean leaned over and read.

"Son of a bitch." He says once he's figured out what he needed to do and walks out of the room to continue the hunt.


In the room, Darcey watches as Sam calls Dean.
"I couldn't find anything in the book. I don't know how to help you. But we'll keep trying, all right? As long as you keep fight. I mean, come on, you can't—you can't leave me here alone with Dad. We'll kill each other. And Darcey will bring us back and kill us for killing each other. You know that. And—and Darcey also really needs you. Dean, you gotta hold on. You can't go, man. Not now." Sam says as he looks to his sister who has her eyes closed and head down.
"We just started to be siblings again. Can you hear me?" Sam finished

Darcey let the tears fall slowly. She held her son tightly as she listened to Sam's words.
Words she couldn't say to him herself because if she did, she would just cry and no words would be able to escape her trembling lips.

As Sam and Darcey Winchester were watching over Dean as he suddenly breathed alive.
His gasp make him choke and the beeping started quickening.
Sam started to yell for help.

Darcey sat beside Dean. Her hand tightly in his. She was holding it so tightly her knuckles where white. Dean didn't seem to mind as they listened to the Doctor talk to them.
"The edema's vanished, the internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good. You're got some kind of angel watching over you."  He says.

"Thanks, doc." Dean replied.
When he walked out, Dean looked to his siblings.
"You guys said a reaper was after me?" He asked them
"Yeah." Sam told him
"How'd I ditch it?"
"You got me." Sam says As Darcey shrugs her shoulders.
"You really don't remember anything?" Sam asked

Dean shook his head. "No. Except this pit in my stomach. Sam, something's wrong." Dean explains to them.

Still holding her brothers hand, the Winchester siblings looked when when they heard knocking.
"How you feeling, dude?" John asked standing from the door.
Dean looks over to his dad.
"Fine, I guess. I'm alive."
"That's what matters." John says
Darcey looked over to Sam as he spoke up
"Where were you last night?" He asked

"I had some things to take care of." The father says
The oldest sibling gave a heavy sigh. There was already some tension between they're dad and Sam.
She looked over to Dean, her eyes filled with annoyance.
"Well, that's specific." Sam says
"Come on, Sam." Dean said, not wanting to deal with they're meaningless arguments.
Darcey puts her head down. She felt Dean squeeze her hand, to try and reassure her that it was fine.
"Did you go after the demon?" The youngest son asks
John shook his head, he knew that's what he was thinking he did.
"Why don't I believe you right now?" The son exclaimed
John walked up a little.
"Can we not fight? You know, half the time I don't know what we're fighting as out. We're just butting heads." He says desperately to not have his last words be words of hate.
"Sammy, I've—I've made some mistakes. But I've always done the best I could. I just don't want to fight fight anymore, Okay?" The father says

"Dad, are you all right?" Sam asked noticing there was clearly something wrong with they're father because of the way he was acting and talking.
John smiled and nodded. "Yeah. I'm just a little tired." He tells them. "Hey Sam, would you mind... getting me a cup of coffee?"

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Sam says.
"Take Grayson with you." Darcey told Sam. He nodded and picked up his half asleep nephew and then made his way out.
From where Darcey is sitting, John walks up to his older children.
"What is it?" Dean asks seeing how his father seemed lost in a thought.

Turning to his older children,
"You know, when you were kids, I'd come home from a hunt. And after what I'd seen ...I'd be wrecked. Then you and Darcey would come up to me...Darcey would hug me and'd put your hand on my shoulder, and you'd look me in the eye. And you'd say, "it's okay, Dad."
Darcey looked between her father and brother. Her eyes full of tears.
A mix of confusion and a whole lot of sadness were the reasons.
"Dean, Darcey, I'm sorry."
"Why?" They asked together. The same amount of pain heard in their words.

"You shouldn't have to say that to me, I should've been saying that to you. You know I put—i put too much on your shoulders. Made you grow up too fast. You took care of Sam and Darcey, Darcey took care of you, and you both took care of me.
You did that. And you didn't complain, not once. I just want you to know..that I am so proud of you. Both of you. Darcey, you're an amazing mother. Especially after what you've been through.."

John stands, tears falling from his eyes that match hers
"This really you taking?" Dean asked, remembering the last time John said that he was proud of them....

"Yeah. Yeah, it's really me." is what he said.
"Why are you saying this stuff?" Darcey asked.
The father placed his hand on Deans shoulder.
"I want you to watch out for Sammy, okay?" He says
"Yeah, dad, you know we will." Dean said
"Dad, what's going on?" Darcey says
"Yeah. You're scaring me." Dean agreed.
"Don't be scared."
John leaned in and whispers something into Dean's ears, making sure Darcey didn't hear.
When John left the room,
Darcey looked to her brother, "what did he say?" She asked being nosey.
Dean just shook his head at her.
He couldn't tell her.


The Winchester siblings watch from the door to they're fathers room as nurses crowd him.
They watch as the nurses call his time of death.
Darcey cry's and falls to her knees, calling out to her unresponsive father.
Her breath is at its worse and the brothers are too in shock to even help her.
Little Grayson try's his best to comfort his mother but eventually tugs on his uncle Dean to get his attention and help him calm him mom.
Though, at this moment, not even him can do that.


Sorry the rest is short, I should've just put the rest in part one, but oh well.
Anyway, John is dead 🙁
This season, Sam's not the only special Winchester child......

 Anyway, John is dead 🙁 This season, Sam's not the only special Winchester child

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