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"So, you're my brother, huh?" The little boy gave you his brightest smile, while nodding. "Hm, what's your name?"

"My name is [B/N]!"

{[AUTHOR'S "mini" NOTE; You choose his name, okay? [B/N]: will stand for Brother's Name, okay? okay.]}

"So, [B/N], don't you think it's time for you to go to sleep?" you asked. The little boy just frowned. "I wanted to talk to my big sister! Mommy doesn't like it when I mention you. But, daddy sometimes talks about you. He says he misses you..." he trailed off.

A smile formed upon your face. But, deep inside you felt ecstatic that at least someone cares.

"He does?" [B/N] bobbed his head up and down. "Well, I miss him too. Just don't tell him I said that. He won't believe you. Just don't talk about me around mommy and daddy, okay? Don't tell them about me coming into your room. Or else I won't come back." [B/N] nodded and gave you a smile.

"Has mommy or daddy ever told you that you had another brother?" You asked and waited for [B/N] response. He thought about it and shook his head. "No, I never knew. Where is he now?" You bit your lip and sighed. Should I tell him about it? No, he won't look at me the same after explaining. "Well, all I can say is that he is in a better place now," you said.

[B/N] looked at you, his face swarming in confusion and curiosity. "Maybe when you're older, you'll understand." [B/N] smiled, once more before he laid back down onto his bed. You smiled at the young one. "It's time for you to go to sleep. Goodnight. Sweet dreams." you whispered, quietly to [B/N]. [B/N] closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. You stood up and went to his window and opened it.

You glanced at him one last time, before closing the window and jumping out of it in the process. You sighed, but then stopped.


"I didn't kill anyone! Jeff is going to notice that I didn't go in and get my first kill! I'm so screwed." you muttered to yourself.

"Right you are, [Y/N]." You froze right on the spot. Hesitantly, you turned and saw the one and only Jeff The Killer. You gulped and wondered how long he was there.

"Ummm..." you trailed off. Jeff narrowed his eyes at you before saying, "Well, well, what do we have here?"

You sighed in defeat. "What were you doing in there? Huh? You were taking way too long! What were you doing in there anyways?"

Inhaling you began your explanation, "I was talking to someone." Short, simple, and the truth. But, not the whole truth. "Really? You were talking to someone? Who? Why? You were told to kill! Did you kill that 'someone' afterward?" He quizzed. "No. I didn't kill them nor do I want to. But-" you were cut short when Jeff said, "Then I'll kill them, if you won't," your eyes widen as Jeff began to climb up to the window.

"Jeff stop! Please, don't do it! You can't kill them!" Jeff ignored you, and stood right in front of the window of your younger brother's room. You climbed up as well before standing right in front of Jeff. "Look, just stop. There's a reason why you can't kill them," you said, quickly. Jeff crossed his arms over his chest. "Really? Why are they so important to you?"

"Because...it turned out to be my brother and the house I was in was mine...once..." you explained. Jeff knitted his eyebrows together. "Okay, answer this question. How and why in the hell did Slender even make you part of us anyway? I mean, he never told us. He only said that if we want to know that we ask you, if you will even say," stated Jeff.

Should I tell him my story? You thought. Well, I have nothing to lose.

"Okay. You really want to know?" you asked. Jeff gave you the 'duh-of-course-I-want-to-know look. "Okay...let's just say, I did something that caused me to be thrown into an asylum by my parents, alright?" Jeff raised his eyebrows at you. "Really?" You nodded. "Yup." Popping the 'p'. Jeff stared at you. You squirmed under his gaze and shifted in your spot. You weren't liking the way he was staring at you. It just made you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious.

"What did you do then?" he questioned. You sighed rather loudly. "Look, let's just go back to Slender Mansion and I'll tell you on our why there. Okay?" Jeff shrugged and turned his back on you, and walked away. You trailed behind him and followed him into the woods.

What am I going to tell Slender? He's going to be disappointed in me. You rubbed your hands on your face in frustration. SO, much had happened within the few days. You've escaped, you were found by a really tall, slender man, whose name is Slender Man, you are under his care, befriended with others at his mansion except for Jeff, but things may change. Soon, that is. Possibly, perhaps. Eh, who knows?

"Are you going to explain or what?" Jeff asked annoyed. Oh. And the real Jeff is back. Why is he such a dick all the time? Rolling your eyes, you replied to his question, "Well, this is how it went," You paused and inhaled, "It was my birthday, I didn't want a party, but my parents insisted since I was turning thirteen, which means I'm officially a teenager," you explained.

Jeff nodded his head and motioned for you to go on. "And well, I opened a present from my dad and went and thanked him, but then I heard a little boy crying. Moments later, I realized it was my brother crying because he spilled his drink on himself. My mom was going to change him, but I volunteered to clean him up. I went to his room to find spare clothing, but he kept crying and crying while I was searching for clothes. I was getting madder and madder by the minute, which seemed odd to me because I don't get mad the quick or often."

Jeff snickered, but you shushed him. "I kept telling him to shut up over and over again, but he wouldn't..." your voice cracked at the end. You were getting to the worst part. "And, I picked him up. I picked him up by his throat. I-It was like someone or something took over me because I loved my brother and I would never do something like that to him..."

You felt the tears build, threatening to spill. "And I strangled him..." You wiped away the tears with the back of your hand. "I-I murdered him. My parents saw and then my mom looked at me as if I was a monster. Then, these guys came and then my whole world turned black. I've been stuck in an asylum for 4 years now. They always wanted me to admit I did it. I-I kept telling them that i wasn't me mentally, but sadly physically it was. I wasn't aware at the time. They wanted to help me and admit my actions, but I refused all the time." You spoke, quietly.

You wrapped your arms around yourself and cried quietly. You felt weak and vulnerable to the one last person you'd want to see you in this state. Hell, let's not forget, disliked you with a passion. You shook your head and rubbed your face, You stared at Jeff right in the eyes and said, "But it's good to know they had a child right after I left. My mom hates me. That's for sure, but my dad misses me."

You kicked a pebble and looked forward and saw that you both arrived at the mansion.

"Well, it was a pleasant talk, Jeff. And probably will be the last one after this..." you said, "But who knows? Not me that's for sure. Bye Jeff." you said to him.

You left him behind as you entered the mansion leaving Jeff in curiosity.

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