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After awaking from a deep slumber, you sat up and stretched. You had actually slept very well. It’s been years since the last time you could sleep well without any disruptions at night, in peace and harmony.

Suddenly, you heard a knock upon your door. Yawning, you walked lazily to the door. Opening it, you looked down and realized it had been Sally knocking on your door. "[Y/N]! Remember yesterday? You said you would play with me, but you never did!" the little girl exclaimed, flailing her arms dramatically in the air. Even the bear she held looked as if it was mad at you, also.

You were surprised that a little girl like Sally would get frustrated. Maybe since she was the only girl here and has no one to play with. Is she the only one? You thought.

"I'll play with you right now, but could I ask you something?" Sally nodded, a bright smile on her face. "Are you the only girl here?" Sally shook her head. "So, your not?" She shook her head, yet again. "No, there's another girl here, too. You didn't get to meet her though." She explained to you. "What's her name?"

"Jane. Jane The Killer." You raised an eyebrow. "So, she's Jeff's girlfriend or something?" Sally giggled. "Well, she is something. She hates Jeff! And by hate, I mean like she really really hates Jeff!"  You nodded understandingly. "Jane never likes playing with me, but now that you're here; I can play with you! C'mon!" she squealed.

Sally grabbed your hand and dragged you out of your room. She began to run frantically down the hallway, as you were trying to keep up at the same pace as her. 

Out of nowhere someone crossed your path, sending you colliding into whoever it was and falling to the cold, hard floor. Rubbing your head, you looked up and met the eyes of the psychotic, cold-blooded killer known as Jeff The Killer. He looked down at you as if you were a dirty peasant and he was pure royalty.

Giving you a hard, yet cold, glare. He hesitantly lend you a hand. You looked bewildered at his hand. Was he finally being friendly to me? You thought to yourself. You took his hand, as he helped you up to your feet.

He leaned over and whispered into your ear, "The only reason why I actually helped you was because Sally's right there and I don't want to scare her. If I did, she'll go running up to Slendy and start snitching. Instead, I'd probably be laughing at you rather than help you." He whispered, rather harshly. Both you and Jeff looked over where an Innocent looking Sally stood, waiting for you to follow her.

Jeff turned on his heel, and walked away only who knows where. Sighing, you followed Sally to her room and played with her since you didn't yesterday.

After playing with Sally, you wandered throughout the mansion. You wanted to get to know the place a bit better, since Masky didn't give you the whole tour, as a matter of fact. You basically had absolutely nothing to do. You couldn't bear the boredom, but it sure beats that stupid asylum you were placed. But the worst part of it all, was that during your time there, your parents never visited you.

Not even once. You never got to see them. It's been years. Yet, you couldn't help, but miss them, dearly. But that's the thing that sickens you. The fact that you miss them so much, yet they were never there for you. Instead, they sent you to hell and not once, thought about even visiting you, to see how you were doing.

After roaming about and around, you instantly saw BEN pop out of nowhere. "[Y/N]! Where have you been?" he asked, almost out of breath. You opened your mouth to answer, but he cut you off. "Never mind that. Slendy needs you in his office, pronto!" He exclaimed. He grabbed your wrist and dragged you to Slender's office. BEN pushed you in and slammed the door. You turned and saw Slender sitting at his desk.

"You needed me, sir?" You asked, hoping you weren't interrupting whatever he was doing. He nodded and gestured toward a seat. You plopped down in a seat and awaited why he needed you.

"We have un-finished business to take care of," he began, "Since you'll be staying with us, I decided to make you as my proxy." As his what? You thought to yourself.

Slender sighed. "As my proxy, you do as I say. I will give you assignments and I expect you to complete them. Understood?" he said. You simply nodded. "Good, now go find Jeff and tell him to show you the weapon room. There, you will choose any weapon that is available. Now, go on child." He shooed you away.

Great. Now, I have to find Jeff. You thought, The bastard already hates me and now I have to go bug him. Fantastic. 

You stood before the door, which led to the infamous Jeff The Killer's room. You banged your fist against the door, but not too hard ortoo much. You stepped back ans waited for him to open. Not too soon, the door opened and Jeff stood there in the door way, an annoyed expression plastered across his face. "What do you want?" he grumbled.

"Slender told me that I HAD to get you to show me the weapon room, so I can choose a weapon of my choice," you responded, adding a lot of emphasis on the word 'had', so he would know you had no other choice.

Jeff only rolled his eyes, and indicated you to follow him.

After, a bunch of turns here and there; both Jeff and yourself stopped in front of a door. There wasn't anything special about it. It was like any other simple door in the mansion.

Jeff grabbed the door handle, twisting it in the progress and opened the door. You followed him in, but it wasn't something you were expecting.

As your jaw hung ajar, your eyes widen at all the weapons. From knives to swords, to axes and hatchets, all types of weapons hung on the walls and some on tables.

"Well, go on. Look around," Jeff said rather happy, but kind of a crazy, insane, happy to be exact. Your eyes scanned the whole room. Your mind was in its own dilemma, trying to choose which weapon would be good.

Then suddenly, your eyes flickered in excitement as you saw a perfect, sharp machete lying on a nearby table. You were mesmerized by its absolute beauty. You picked it up and examined it whole.

"This one. It's perfect and sharp! I can kill my victims so easily and painfully!" you exclaimed. You turned, facing Jeff, only to see that he was staring at you, his smile big and wide. "Excellent choice!" he said, clasping his hands together.

You both looked at each other, staring, with wide, twisted, insane smiles across the faces of both Jeff and yourself.

animal i have become ⇢ jeff the killer Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat