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After perhaps one to two hours of wondering and dashing through the woods, Liu stopped. At last. You stopped and saw before you, a small, cozy cabin. You threw a questionable look at Liu's way and he motioned you to follow him in.

Once you stepped in after him, the first thing that caught your eye was Jane was there. Jane heard the padding of feet and looked at both Liu and yourself. "[Y/N]! I didn't expect you here? How are you?"

You raised an eyebrow and answered her question nonetheless, "Great. Better than ever considering the fact that I escaped that asylum for the second time. How about you?" Jane frowned, confused by your statement.

"Eh, don't worry about it, Jane." Liu said. "[Y/N] will be staying with us," he announced, "for now." he added. You swallowed and nodded, confirming his words. The way he added 'for now' frightened you a little.

It was as if there some kind or second meaning behind it. You tried to not put too much thought in to it, but it was starting to bother you. For now. Those were his words. Liu's words. Two simple words.

Was it too late to back out of what you agreed on and retreat back to Slender's? Well, yes. It's too late.

"Jane, I would like you to show [Y/N] her temporary room. If you will, I must go and attend to other important things." He left before you could utter a single word.

'So...that's it? He's just going to get me out of the asylum, dump me here and leave?' You thought, but shrugged away those thoughts. 'Oh, what was I expecting? A big ole hug? Or a kiss to the cheek?'

You felt a little dumb for thinking such things and smiled at Jane. "So, my temporary room?" You put a little or too much emphasis on 'temporary'. Jane complied and showed you around the cozy cabin.

"There on your left is a bathroom and right beside it will be the guest room. That is where you will be staying. For now." You gritted your teeth together when you heard those two words. For now. There was something they knew, but sadly you did not.

"Ah, thanks and um, I realized that there are only two rooms in this place. So...where do you and Liu sleep?" I asked. Jane giggled. You knitted your eyebrows together in confusion. "What?" Jane shook her head. "Oh, nothing."

"It's just that I thought you would have noticed that or maybe you didn't- but anyways, Liu and I share a room." she explained. Your face turned a bright shade of red. "Oh. I see." Although, she wasn't finished just yet.

"But we also share a bed as well." You gulped and nodded. "Um okay. I really- I-I didn't need to know, but alright." you stuttered, feeling like a total fool. "But, it gets better." she started, "He, Liu, oh my- he is just a good, se-"

"Okay, okay!" you exclaimed. "I get it. No need to get so into detail." Jane never got to finish her sentence because you cut her off. You weren't in the mood to hear her explicit details that are on her mind.

Jane, of course, smirked and shrugged. "If only you knew..." You nodded. Oh well...

"Well, now that we're done. We could go in the living room and just relax and wait for Liu to come back." You agreed.

"Hey, you can go into the kitchen and fix yourself lunch or snack of some sort. You should go do that now."


Jane stayed back in the living room and started to read. Surprisingly. You never pegged her as the type of girl to read. Nor to even grasp a book. Yet, she does it anyway.

You made your way in to the kitchen and fixed a sandwich. You sat down on a chair and started to munch on the sandwich, savoring it. It's been a while since you ate properly and even eating hasn't been one of your top priorities these past few months.

animal i have become ⇢ jeff the killer Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum