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All hell is about to break loose.


Sally screamed in horror and took cover. She was terrified and held her bear with all of her life. You went to Sally and led her away from the fight. "Sally, Sally. Listen to me. You have to stay here behind this tree because you could get hurt out there." you said softly.

Tears streamed down her face and she nodded.

"Will you come back to get me?" she asked. You nodded and gave her a reassuring hug. "Of course I will."

"You promise?" you chuckled quietly to yourself. "I promise. Now, please stay here. I don't want anything happening to you." Sally smiled at you one last time and motioned you to go.

You walked back to where everyone was fighting and saw Hoodie lying on his back. You rushed towards him and said, "Hoodie. Hoodie, you okay?" Although, there was no reply. You hooked your arms around him dragged him back to where Sally was hiding.

"Careful Sally. I think he's out cold. Watch out for him, alright?" she nodded and kept an eye on him as you asked.

You glanced back at the two one more time and turned back to the battle.

You slipped out your blade and contemplated.

'Should I help Jeff or should I go help the others with The Rake?'

You decided to help Jeff out instead.

As you got close to Jeff and Liu, Jeff noticed and snapped at you, "No! Go help the others! This is my fight. A fight that I should've ended long ago." You nodded slowly and walked to where The Rake was trying to fight off the rest.

One of Slender's tentacles shot out and wrapped itself around The Rake's neck. The Rake continued to make noises and grabbed the tentacle and pulled it forward, throwing Slender off balance.

You grit your teeth together and charged at The Rake at full speed, plunging the knife at its side. The Rake shrieked in pain and with its claws, tried to scratch you.

You dodged and Masky came in with a knife as well, driving it straight to the other side of The Rake.

But when The Rake swung, Masky was not fast enough. The Rake swung and hit Masky, making him fly back. His body slamming right in to the tree.

BEN stood in front of The Rake to distract the hideous creature. You took the time and brought out Jane's knife and stabbed The Rake again. You took both the knives out and plunged them both in at the same time.

The Rake whimpered in pain and tried to get the knives out, but Slender came out of nowhere and all of his tentacles wrapped themselves around The Rake and threw him back, causing him to clash against a tree.

Blood poured out from the wounds, where the two knives you stabbed in and as well as Masky's knife on his other side. The Rake fell to the ground and made no effort to get back.

Now, everyone's eyes were on Liu and Jeff. They were both soaked in blood. Jeff's once pure white hoodie was now a shade of crimson red. As Liu's blue pants were now stained and splattered with blood.

"You deserve to die you freak!" Liu seethed and swung at Jeff. Jeff dodged his swing. "You deserve to die for what you did! You killed them! You killed mom and dad!" Liu snapped at Jeff and he felt the tears brim in his eyes. "You're the reason I want you DEAD!" Liu ran forward and attempted to stab Jeff.

Jeff blocked him, and with much force, he forced his knife in to Liu.

Direct hit.

Liu fell back and his mouth fell open. Blood seeped through the stab wound and also flooded his mouth.

He fell back and the over-flood of blood got to him.

He started to choke on his blood. He made gurgling noises and started to cough.

Soon enough, there was silence. Jeff walked forward and stood over Liu and said lowly, "Go to sleep..." and stabbed him once more.

Liu died.

Everyone smiled. It was over. It was finally over. Jane was dead. Liu just died. Everything is okay now. It is over.

That was what everyone thought at the time.

But it wasn't. And it was too late.

The Rake screeched and pierced one of his long claws in to Jeff's back, making everyone's widen.

Jeff made no sound. Nothing at all.

The Rake removed his claw and cowered away from the scene and into the woods.

Jeff fell to his knees and there was blood overflowing in his mouth. You ran to his side and held his face in your hands.

Jeff smiled up at you. You shook your head violently.

This can't be happening. Not now. Not ever.

"No, please this can't be happening," you whispered. Everyone circled around Jeff and yourself. You found yourself crying silently and you looked in to the psychotic eyes of Jeff. "I'm sorry." you whispered.

Jeff smiled and his breathing began to get ragged. "No. Don't be. If anyone has to be sorry, it's me. I'm—" Jeff took a big intake of his last breath and said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. It had to be this way. It had to be me. This is karma for the way I treated you. I'm so sorry..."

Jeff coughed up more blood and he suddenly stopped breathing.

Your mouth hung ajar. Why did it have to be him. Just why?

Why couldn't it be me?

Tears slid down your face and you set Jeff on the ground carefully.

Jane. Liu. Jeff. They're all dead.

You stood above Jeff and studied him. His eyes were wide open. His smile was very bloody red. His charocoal colored hair had some dirt in it and his hoodie was no longer white, but stained with blood.

That was how Jeff the Killer looked like when he died.

Your silent moment of grief ended when Sally cried out, "[Y/N]! Watch out!"


It was too late.


The Rake came back. Only this time, it wasn't for Jeff.

You saw a large claw pierce through your stomach and lift you off your feet before you fell and landed with a thud to the ground.

The Rake. It came back. It came back to finish what he was supposed to do.

You heard The Rake roar one last time and this time, it scurried away and never came back.

Your eyes were wide in shock and your jaw hung wide open.

You rolled on to your side and touched the wound and saw the red substance on your hands.

Your eyes began to get droopy and you heard the frantic voices shouting your name.

You fought to stay awake.

In the end, you were fell in to the darkness.

Although this time,

you weren't sure if you'll ever see the light again..

The End.

animal i have become ⇢ jeff the killer Where stories live. Discover now