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  • Dedicado a all of my fans who support me here on wattpad and also on quotev.


• this is a rough draft. there will be ERRORS and it might be confusing so sorry in advance!!! (also i wrote this when i was 13-14 yrs. old pls don't judge thx)

• also, DO NOT STEAL! If you see someone who has copied this story, please let me know ASAP! this story is only posted here on wattpad and my quotev account at www.quotev.com/princess. if you see it anywhere other than those two places, let me know! greatly appreciated!

• and yeah, im posting this up again bc fuck it. this is probably the only fanfic i really enjoyed writing...

• contains foul language and its a horrid mess! i'd rate this story pg-13 lol

okay, i think i covered everything. now, onwards with the story!

© sandra mercedes 2014

"Nurses! Help! Now!" The bustling of feet running down hallways was all [Y/N] heard, constantly. "No! I swear! I'm not insane! He was just there!" the paranoid patient screamed. It was nothing new. She had been used to this. The good thing is, is that it doesn't happen as much as it does at night.

[Y/N] hardly gets any sleep because of all the ruckus that goes on throughout the day and the disruptions at night doesn't help either. [Y/N] leaned back against the wall while shutting her eyes.

Why? Where did it all go wrong? Oh that's right. It was because of what happened on my birthday... [Y/N] thought.

She then began to have a flashback on that day. The same reason why she's here in the first place. Just because of one accident, mistaken as a horrible tragedy. She cannot remember why it she did it, but she could re-call the incident very vividly.

"Okay, sweetie, blow out the candles!" [Y/N]'s mother smiled happily at her grown 13-year-old daughter. [Y/N] only rolled her eyes before blowing out the candles on her birthday cake. Everyone applauded at the now 13 year old girl. "I can't believe my daughter's becoming a woman!" [Y/N]'s mother gushed. Everyone chuckled at the mother's comment. "Mom!" [Y/N] groaned. "[Y/N], I think it's time to open presents!" Her father said. [Y/N] sighed before nodding her head. She went to the living room and saw presents scattered everywhere.

"You know, you guys didn't need to throw this party in the first place," [Y/N] reminded her parents. [Y/N]'s mother placed her hands on her hips and gave [Y/N] a stern look. "Just saying..." The girl mumbled under her breath. She approached the presents that were there. She scanned through all of them until she saw a small, rectangular shaped present. "I guess I'll start with this one," she picked it up and read who had given it to her.

"Dad, this is your present for me?" [Y/N] asked. Her father cracked a grin, before saying, "Go ahead. Open it." [Y/N] wasted no time opening the present. Her eyes glowed as a smile was formed upon her face. [Y/N] had received a copy of The Fault In Our Stars. "Happy birthday, sweetheart," her father said. She smiled and had given her father a hug.

Their fatherly-daughter moment was interrupted when the cries of a young boy filled the air. [Y/N] realized it was from her young little brother. She pushed her way through the crowd, until she found her little sibling. "What's wrong?" she asked him.

She then realized that he had spilled his drink on himself. [Y/N]'s mother noticed it, also. "C'mon, son let's get you changed," the mother said. [Y/N] stopped her mother. "No, I can do this mom." Her mother looked at her, surprisingly. "Are you sure because I-" [Y/N] cut her off.

"Really, I got this. You can go ahead and split the cake without me. I insist," her mother sighed. "Alright, hun. If you insist." The whole family headed for the kitchen for a slice of cake as for [Y/N] taken her younger brother for spare clothing.

As [Y/N] was looking for clothing, her brother began to cry. "Hurry up, [Y/N]!" She turned and gave her brother a stern look. "Okay, but you got to stop crying, alright?" The little one shook his head. [Y/N] bent down to her brother's height and said, "Stop it. Now." Her tone had changed. It was nice and caring, but now; it was cold and harsh. Yet again, the young child had started to shed tears once more.

[Y/N] was even more frustrated. "Shut up!" she screamed. Her brother, still continued. Having enough, she picked up her sniveling brother by the throat, and started to add pressure. Soon enough, the child was beginning to lose oxygen. [Y/N] tried to stop, but she couldn't. She tried and tried, then the tears began filling in her eyes. Alas, the child had no pulse. He was strangled.

"Honey what's tak-" the mother walked in and her eyes went wide in fear as she saw [Y/N]'s hands placed around the now dead child's throat.

"Oh my god! What did you do?!" her mother shrieked, causing the father to burst in through the door, too. [Y/N] fell to her knees and covered her face with her hands, letting the tears pour out. The devastated mother held the body of the dead child, as the father stood by the mothers side trying to comfort her.

"I-im sorry. I swear I am. I-i didn't mean to do it!" [Y/N] tried explaining to her parents. The mother nor the father looked at their daughter. The sound of a door being burst open sounded through the house as so did the heavy footsteps of several people sprinting down hallways.

[Y/N] stood up, fully alerted. She soon saw big buff men wearing a white attire stood right in front of her. "Mom? Dad? What's going on?" she stuttered, looking terrified at the men. "They're going to help you..." her dad replied. That was the last thing she heard, before a sedative was injected into her right arm.

[Y/N] could feel the tears in her eyes build up. The doorknob twisted and so the door swung open to reveal [Y/N]'s usual doctor.

"Hello, [Y/N], how are today?" She glimpsed over at the doctor-her psychiatrist-before she hung her head low, not replying to the doctor. The doctor was making her way into the room, but stopped. "Help! We need help!" The cries of a nurse being heard. The doctor sighed. "I'll be back and don't move." [Y/N] just shrugged her shoulders and watched as the doctor run down the colorless hallway.

[Y/N] got up from where she sat and realized the door wasn't shut all the way. Excitement was all she felt, but soon felt anxiety too. What if I got caught? She thought to herself. She peeked out into the hallway to see if the coast was clear. But, she hid when the wave of doctors and nurses past her room. She looked out once more and realized she could finally escape. This is it. She opened the door with her leg, since she did after all, have on a straitjacket, wide open.

Free at last. The girl thought. She was just 1-yard away from the exit, when someone had spotted her. "Patient is on the move! Move! Get her NOW!" A doctor barked. [Y/N] was on the run. She finally made it out, but had no clue where she was. Instead, she headed towards the woods. She dashed at full-speed. She glanced behind her and saw a group of doctors following her. She ran and ran, until she finally lost track of the doctors.

Relief washed over her as she made it out successfully. She stopped running and began to walk with ease, getting deeper into the woods. The feeling of being followed started to bug her. She started to run and didn't look back. She told herself to don't look back, but she glanced behind her saw the figure of someone. She ran again, but only to hit face first to a tree, knocking her to the ground. Or that is what she thought it was. She looked up and saw a long slender figure.

She wasn't sure if it was another hallucination or if it was actually real. She laid there, still staring at the figure.

She studied the figure closely. A tall man, slender, man was what she saw, until she looked at the face; the thing is, is that it had no face. [Y/N] was about to let out a blood curdling scream, but instead she had a coughing fit, where she could not stop herself. She coughed out blood, which terrified her to the max. Not only that, she also started to lose her vision. Was this the end? The girl thought.

The last thing she saw was the tall figure still standing there in front of the her.


animal i have become ⇢ jeff the killer Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora