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"Because Jeff and I are brothers."


"So, you're telling me you are actually brothers? That means that you're..."

He sighed. "Yeah the one and only Liu. Unfortunately, yes. We are related. Brothers that came from the same vag-"

"Alrighty then! I understand your point! I know what the process is!"

Liu held his hands up. "Just sayin'." You gave him a grim look. Suddenly, you couldn't help, but compare him towards Jeff.

He had brown hair. Jeff had black hair. Liu's skin wasn't pale and bleached, while Jeff's skin was. Jeff was tall, yet Liu was just a bit taller. Jeff had a carved-in smile and burnt off eyelids, although Liu didn't.

"I know I look good and all, but can you stop staring? It's like you're mentally undressing me." Liu smirked, yet again. You rolled your eyes.

"Okay, then. I am so terribly sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. I couldn't help, but to compare you to your brother, Jeff." you replied, honestly.

"For my sake, please do not mention my brother's name." he grumbled. You grinned, mischeviously. "Why? Does it bother you so much?"

"Actually, it does. I have my reasons on why I despise him and his existence." he spoke.

You pursed your lips together and couldn't help, but to keep asking more questions. "Great to know. Anyways, who's the older brother?"

Liu narrowed his eyes towards your direction, but nonethless answered, "Me, of course."

You nodded. "So, what's the story?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I'm talking about what went wrong. As in, between Jeff and you."

Liu's face fell. It didn't take a scientist to tell that it was a touchy subject for him to talk about. "So you know noting about him?"

"Well, I read his story online, funny I know, but I want to hear your side of the story or whatever."

Liu swallowed, and finally gave in. "Alright. Fine. Although, this could take a while."

You smiled. "That's good to know because I have all day."


"Jeff and I are brothers, you see. But, sometimes I wish my family didn't move to that neighborhood."

"My family and I moved to a new house. New house, a fresh new start of a new life, right? Wrong. At some point during my living, breathing years, I didn't despise Jeff or the way he looks, like the freak he is now. Things would've turned out better if we didn't move, but we did anyway. The old folks thought it would be best to live in a 'fancy' neighborhood since dad got a promotion at his work."

Liu stopped talking to glance your way. You raised an eyebrow and asked, "What?" He shook his head.

"Nothing. As I was saying, fancy neighborhood for dad's promotion. It's pretty cliché, but yeah. One of our neighbor's came by and introduce herself and her kid, too. She invited Jeff and I to her kid's party and I didn't want to go, yet mom said we would go. After the lady and her kid left, Jeff let mom know that he didn't want to go, but mom said we should spend time with the neighbors. Get to know them.

Later on, we would go take the bus to school and while we were waiting; some idiot kid with his skateboard nearly killed us. Randy was his name. Oh, how I hated that son of bitch. I blame him for this! Him and his stupid fucking friends. He started talking like he owned the neighborhood, then he took my wallet."

animal i have become ⇢ jeff the killer Where stories live. Discover now