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"Game over, Jane. I win. You lose."


You brushed away the beads of sweat on your forehead and dropped to your knees. 'I really killed her? I killed Jane all by myself.' you thought. You looked right in to the dark, pitch-black eyes of the once breathing Jane the Killer. Her inky hair was tangled. Just simply a mess, as her coal-black lips were parted open. Her chest was no longer moving, which confirmed that she was dead. For precaution, you picked her arm up, and placed your fingers around her wrist feeling for a pulse.

There was no pulse. She is dead. There, on the ground, layed Jane with blood pooling around her. In her other hand, was the knife she had. You stared at the blade and slowly took it away from her grasp. You held the weapon in your hands and you decided to keep it until you decided what to do with her weapon.

Now that Jane is gone, only 1/3 of the problem is terminated. There was Liu to deal with and as well as The Rake, if he's still back at Slender Mansion.

"[Y/N]! Look out!" you heard Jeff yell.

You spun around and saw a blade coming at your way. You ducked and watched the blade hit a tree. You stared at it and looked back to see Liu smirk while Jeff was on the ground, coughing fits of blood.

Liu slowly walked towards you, like a predator to its prey. You took a step back each time he got closer. You had a tight hold on your knife which has dried blood from killing Jane.

Once he was close, you took your knife and slashed Liu's face. Liu lost his footing and staggered back. He held a hand to the wound and watched the blood seep through his fingers as his hand was over it. He wiped the blood off and the blood stained his hands.

"That's for what you did to me!" you bellowed. On the other hand, Liu let out a cruel chuckle. "Oh [Y/N]. Payback's a bitch."

Liu shot forward and hurtled towards you and tackled you down. He proceeded to do what he needed to do.

Last time, he wasn't able to finish the job. All thanks to Jeff for that. But now that Jeff was down and no one else was here; he can finally finish the job. His hands had your throat in a death lock, cutting off your oxygen supply. Your hands tried to pry Liu's hands away, but Liu wasn't budging.

You started to cough and that only made Liu tighten his hold. "You don't deserve to live!" Liu roared. Only moments ago, were you battling Jane to death, but now you were just minutes away from yours.

In a matter of seconds, you felt your eyes starting to shut. You felt your head light and your body stiff. This is it...

Never did you imagine this kind of death. You always thought that you were going to die in the asylum. You never thought you could away. You never thought about escaping. You always thought that maybe being placed in to the asylum was just fate.

Your fate. Everyone's fate seems to differ from one another. Although, some peoples fate are to end being together and that includes dying together in tragic incidents. Your fate was to die alone in the asylum. That's what you always thought back in the asylum. Most times, it was hard to believe that you were actually sent there in the first place.

The thought of dying in the hands of a maniac never occurred to you, nor were you expecting to be reality. You blinked and flinched when you did. It only lasted for a second, but the image terrified you. When you blinked, you didn't see Liu above you choking the life out of you. Instead, you saw that familar ceiling you grew to know. It was that same ceiling you've grown to see for four years. It was like you were back at the asylum. It was horrible.

'Am I delusional?' you thought.

The sight was there for a second or two when you saw Liu once again, but he wasn't choking you anymore.

Instead he was back on the ground brawling with Jeff.

You panted and your breatging was erratic. You could breathe. It was a close call. You were at the brink of death, when Jeff came to the rescue. The knight in a shining bloody hoodie. You smiled and mentally thanked him for saving your life once again.

You watched the two brothers fight as you scooted away to a far and safe distance from them.

Jeff grabbed Liu and threw him to the ground and kicked him afterward. You gasped when you were absolutely sure you heard a crack! after Jeff's violent kick.

Liu howled in agony and rolled away from Jeff. He quickly got back up on his feet and shook his head. "You aren't worth it!" Liu spat and ran away from the scene. Jeff just stared and didn't make a single move to go after him.

Jeff turned around and walked slowly were you sat on the earth's grass and leaves. He approached you, knelt down and examined you for any bruises or wounds. "I'm fine, Jeff. He didn't to anything severe." you said to him in a light tone.

"No you're not," he retorted, and grabbed your face in his hands, "the bastard left a big, purple bruise on your throat."

Your breath hitched at the proximity of Jeff and yourself. Being so close to him overwhelmed you. You've never been so close to him, until now. In a cool tone, you responded, "It doesn't hurt or anything. I just need some water."

Jeff frowned. He let you go and sighed. "You might have to get a sip of water from a stream or something since there's no way in hell we're going back to the mansion."

You groaned in annoyance and held your face in your hands. "Well, that's just great,"

Jeff chuckled and got back up on his feet. "That should be the least of your worries. Liu is still on the loose and The Rake is still out there somewhere."

"Could things get any worse?" you asked, sarcastically. Jeff laughed. "Yeah. We still haven't found the others." You sighed. Jeff's smile grew wider - if it was possible - and lent you hand You took his hand and he helped back on to your two feet.

"Let's get going. Hopefully, we don't run in to anything on the way." you said as you and Jeff began foot on a possible long journey in to the woods.

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