"I'm not telling my parents about this," I told Ron 

"Agreed," He said nodding his head 

We watched as the two boys yelled something at each other before Draco threw the ball. Harry raced to get it as he came close to crashing into one of the towers before he caught it. He quickly came back down. We all ran up cheering for him as he jumped off his broom to great us. It was going great...

"Harry Potter!" We all stopped as we saw McGonagall approaching us "Follow me"

Harry hung his head low as he walked away with her. Oh, poor Harry. But if he got in trouble then I was going to fight them because Draco should as well. 

"Well thats a bummer," Ron said with a sigh "We got nothing to do now"

"You could finally tell me the story of how Harry got famous," I told him 

"Oh, thats a long one," He said getting excited "So it all started one night when Harry was a baby..."


"Harry!" I yelled when Ron and I finally found him "You killed a dark Wizard as a baby!"

"So you heard the story," Harry said with a laugh 

"Yes!" I told him jumping up and down "Thats so cool! The closest I ever got to that cool of a baby story was when my brother Harry accidentally threw me down the stairs"

"How do you accidentally get thrown down the stairs?!" Ron asked me with wide eyes 

"He tripped," I said with a shrug "But it was alright, Liam was luckly at the bottom and caught me"

"As much as thats an intresting story," Harry told us "Do you want to hear what happened with Professor McGonagall?"

"Oh yes!" I told him "Did you get introuble?"

Harry shoock his head with a smile "She made me the Gryffindor Seeker!"

"Thats wicked!"

"The what?"

"Its a possion in Quiditch," Ron explained to me "He basicly has to find the golden snitch, thats worth 100 points, in order to end the game"

"Sounds easy," I told him 

Ron let out a laugh "Sure wait till you see it in person"

"But first years never make the house teams," Ron said as we started to walk down the hall to our next class "You must be the youngest Quidditch player..."

"In a century, according to McGonagall," Harry told us 

"Hey, well done, Harry. Wood's just told us!" One of the twins said as they came up and walked next to us 

"Fred and George are on the team, too" Ron explained to us "Beaters"

"I'm not even going to ask," I said with a sigh 

"Our job is to make sure Harry, doesn't get bloodied up too bad," The one next to me said causing my eyes to widen "Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game Quidditch."

"Brutal. But no one's died in years" The first twin said, "Someone will vanish occasionally-"

"But they'll turn up in a month or two!" The other one finished as we walked away from each other.

"Well Harry I shall prepare a lovely funeral for you," I told the scared boy 

"Oh, gon on, Harry" Ron told him "Quidditch is great. Best game there is"

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