Survival Games [Arc 5.5]

Depuis le début

Jing Yang stood up. “From now on, I will have no relationship with your team. I’ll say the ugly words first, in the future if we meet again, I will also not have any affection for you all.”

Easy Nobility said sarcastically, “I really do not know where you have the self-confidence to say this kind of thing. You’re still talking about affection with us, as long as you leave here, don’t come back crying to make us agree to add you back. We do not need any of your affection.”

“Very good, I hope that you can maintain this confidence until the end of the game.” Jing Yang turned and walked out.

“Nuoyang!” Dark Flame called at him.

Jing Yang did not stop, and did not turn back.

Easy Nobility watched his confident departure, and really wanted to rush up right then and kill him, but he did not want to kill him in front of Dark Flame. He would never let him survive back to the real world, and if he was lucky enough not to die in the hands of a monster, he would definitely take care of him personally.

After Jing Yang left that team, he felt much more refreshed. Now the first thing he had to solve was the place to live. He was too lazy to choose a house, which was too troublesome, so he simply found a high-class hotel to stay in.

Jing Yang stayed in the hotel for three days, completing all of his studies from low-level refining to senior refining, so even though he had still not become a senior alchemist, he was still able to make all of the weapons. But for Jing Yang, all of this learning was nothing but a pretense. Even if he did not become a senior alchemist, he could still make any weapon that he wanted.

His alchemy level had already been raised, so what he needed to do now was raise his force level, and then take advantage of the time left to make a few powerful weapons to protect himself.

Jing Yang flipped through the comprehensive collection of weapons and decided which ones he wanted to make. He went to the commercial street and bought all of the materials that he needed. But he still had not completed his preparations, because even though he could already make the weapon with what he already had, the lethality and other aspects would still be much worse.

For things like barite that could increase energy level and strength, shops only had limited amounts in stock, and when Jing Yang wanted to go buy it, they had long been sold out, and would only be restocked next month. But by next month, the battle for the 100 escape spots would very likely have already ended.

There was only one way to get something that couldn’t be bought in the store, which was to find the monster with those things, and when defeating the monster, they had the chance to receive the item.

Jing Yang opened his map and used his system to search through it. Right now the entire map did not have any monsters that would be useful for him. He was just considering what kind of methods to use in order to bump into useful monsters when he suddenly saw the game system release a group attack task.

Jing Yang immediately opened the task. Stone monsters had appeared on Barite Mountain, there would be a reward to each brave warrior who helped destroy the stone monster. As long as you helped, the mountain owner would hand out rewards. The stone monster would swallow treasures, and those would belong to the ones who had destroyed the monster.

This was exactly the task that Jing Yang wanted. The reward money that the Barite Mountain owner didn’t matter to him, but among those treasures swallowed by the stone monster, there would definitely be barite. Plus it was a group attack, so as long as he found the opportunity to make the finishing blow, he should not expose his ability too much.

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