I shrugged, "It's comfortable. You might not get it back." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Well you can keep it, it looks better on you." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes, punching him playfully. Against my will, my cheeks started to burn. We stepped into the elevator, hitting the button for the ground floor.

When we stepped out, the over whelming smell of food hit me. It smelt amazing. Immediately, my stomach growled. I was so hungry I could've eaten everything into the whole room. You know what? Screw the diet! You're beautiful no matter what shape or size you are, it doesn't matter what you weigh.

I quickly went over to the buffet, grabbing a plate and putting one of everything on it, at least. When I was done I had three pancakes, a hash-brown, eggs, bacon, sausage, a bisect, two muffins, an orange, and a small carton of milk.

"Dang," Kyle laughed, walking up behind me. He had almost the same thing I did. "Are you really going to eat all that?" I looked down, shrugging.

"Yolo." I said, sitting down at a table. Kyle smirked at me, giving me an 'I told you so look.' "What?"

"You're because you only ate a salad for dinner last night." He smirked. I stuck my tongue out at him, digging into my food. It tasted so good! Yup, that diet is totally over. When I had eaten all the food on my plate, I felt like I would throw up.

"I'm so full," I moaned, leaning back in my seat.

"I could still eat more," Kyle said, laughing at me.

"Well that's to bad, because we're going swimming now." I stuck my tongue out at him, he did the same. We probably looked like two year old's bickering.

"You're supposed to wait two hours after eating," Kyle smirked, crossing his arms. I rolled my eyes at his stupidity. Who waited two hours? Only the kids who's parents made them, and my mom never did, so I wasn't concerned about that.

"Fine, you stay here and come find me in two hours." I said, standing up and walking towards the arrow that said 'pool.' It was only a matter of time before Kyle jogged up beside me, pushing my arm playfully.

"You left me behind," He pouted, wiping away a fake tear. I punched his arm, making him laugh. "I'm just kidding."

I smirked, "I know you were."

When we got to the pool, my breath was once again taken away. This hotel was amazing! We had decided to go to the outdoor pool since it was a nice day. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, and it was the perfect temperature. Not to hot and not to cold.

The pool itself looked like glass. There was even a water slide. The beautiful grass that surrounded the area was perfectly green.

There weren't very many people, either. Those that were there were mostly old people lounging in the sun. My guess is the hotel was to expensive for young people to afford. If The it Factor wasn't paying for it, I'm sure there was no way I would be staying here.

"Cannon ball!" Kyle screamed, ripping off his shirt and jumping in the water.  Several old people were giving us glares, but I ignored them.  I quickly took off my shorts, Kyles shirt, and kicked off my shoes, before jumping in the pool right after Kyle.

The cold water hit me hard.  It felt so amazing, it really woke me up.  After staying underwater for a few seconds I came up, wiping the water droplets from my face.

"Oh good," Kyle sighed, looking at me worriedly, "For a second there I thought you wouldn't come up."  I rose an eyebrow, a little bit confused.  If he thought I was drowning, why haden't he saved me?  "Come on, lets see how long you can balance on my shoulders."

"Excuse me?" I asked, cocking my head.  Was he mental?  Why would I stand on his shoulders?  Not only is that weird, but I'm pretty sure none of the elders around would approve.  They would say we were 'being to reckless.'

"You, on my shoulders, now." Kyle said, making weird hand motions as if that would make me understand.  I shook my head, laughing.

"You're sure?"

"Of course!  Now come on!"  He said, grabbing my wrists and pulling me towards him.  The water wasn't to deep, just up to my waist, but I'm pretty sure it would've been to hard to stand on his shoulders.

"How about I just sit on your shoulders, instead?"  I asked, not even waiting for a reply.  I gripped his shoulders, swung one leg over and then lifted myself up.  It didn't even catch Kyle by surprise, he just gripped my knees firmly to hold me in place.

"That works too," He shrugged, walking deeper into the pool.  I gripped his wet curls, careful not to pull to hard. "Do you like my hair?" He asked, laughing.  I froze, my cheeks burning.  Thank God he couldn't see it.

"I have nothing else to do," I tried to defend myself, blushing even harder.  In fact, I did like his curls. They were so soft and golden....So beautiful.  Oh God, what the hell was wrong with me?!  Ever since I met these boys I was having some serious mental issues, and I really needed to start figuring this stuff out.


A/N: Yay for Kyle and Serenity time! :D If you like it please vote and comment?  Thanks for reading! :)

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