Jackson sighed and leaned over to the stack of books. He shuffled through them and took one that she'd yet to read. He flipped through the pages and found something. He handed her the book.

"While a weak woman may be easier to kidnap there's less fun in it. There's less of a challenge. A strong willed woman can still be a good target if everything else lines up. No family or one that lives far away. A woman with a shitty ex could be an ideal target because the ex can be used as a fall guy." Mikayla read that paragraph to herself a few times. Combined with the first list it all fit. And she knew that Rachel would tell the police to look into Anthony. He certain deserved to be in jail for what he did to her, but it wouldn't bring them any step closer to finding her.

"I didn't choose you because you're weak. I chose you because you seemed like the most fun. You're beautiful. You're smart. I mean, you're still physically weaker than me, but don't feel bad about that, most people are. And I'll have fun breaking your spirit and molding you into my perfect woman." He had an almost childlike smile on his handsome face. It was terrifying.

"So you really are trying to replicate Theo Masterson. You think you can make someone fall in love with you by force. I'm going to tell you now, you're wasting your time. I'm me and I'm not going to change that much."

"We shall see," he said as he leaned closer to her.

She whimpered slightly as one of his large hands wrapped behind her head and his lips descended on hers. He made her feel so small.

This time she couldn't stop the tears.

He quickly pulled back. "What's wrong little dove?" he whispered. He rested her chin in his palm and wiped her tears with his thumb.

Mikayla jerked her head away from him, refusing to talk. She scowled at him and he quickly got the hint. Jackson moved away from her. She thought he'd leave, but he didn't. He leaned against the wall.

She grabbed the blanket and wiped her eyes.

"So what was the deal with you and that guy Anthony?" asked Jackson.

Mikayla sniffled. Crying had instantly congested her. She didn't feel like talking to this man. So she wouldn't. She stared at the blank wall with a frown trying to hold back from crying again. She couldn't believe she let him see her cry.

"I mean, he'll probably take the fall for your disappearance. Probably won't go to jail, but he'll be their prime suspect. Does that upset you?"

She still didn't talk.

"If you're going to give me the silent treatment I can just leave."

He started to stand up and her stomach dropped. She didn't want to be with him, but she didn't want to be alone. Right now he was the only one there.

"Wait . . . Please don't go. Not yet."

"Then don't give me the silent treatment ever again."

"I won't," she said, well aware that she would definitely do it again. She just wasn't ready to be in isolation again.

Jackson sat back down. He put his arm out for her to cuddle with him. She looked at him confused. He quickly put his arm down. Whatever his plan was he didn't seem to be rushing her for physical contact.

"So, tell me about Anthony."

"He's my ex boyfriend. He played Theo Masterson. We were spending upwards of 10 hours a day in very weird and intimate positions and it just seemed natural to start dating. We didn't even really talk about it. We just had a break in the schedule and suddenly realized we liked spending time together."

"So what happened. You didn't seem thrilled to see him."

"He was a typical bad ex. There's not much more to say," she lied.

"Don't lie to me, Mikayla."

"I'm not."

"You are. I listened to you the entire night. I know he was more than a typical bad ex," said Jackson.

"Fine. Anthony and I dated for two months."

"That's not long. What could he have done in that time?"

"We started dating near the end of the production. Things were going very good. I liked him. He liked me. Filming wrapped and we finally had time. He wanted to go to the next step in our relationship. I wanted to wait. I wanted to get to know him a bit better before I slept with him. And Valentine's Day was coming up in like two weeks so I thought it would be perfect timing. Well, he didn't like that. He was done waiting. So he started yelling at me and getting pushy when I told him that he'd crossed a line. He wouldn't let me leave. He threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom. He forced me to give him a blowjob. In the end I just did it to get him to stop. He held my head in place the whole time. When it was all said and done I broke down crying and he called me a weak c-word."

All the hairs on Mikayla's arms and legs were standing up. She felt like a loser and she was starting to tear up again.

"Do you want me to kill him?" asked Jackson.

"What?" She looked over at him. She wasn't expecting him to say that.

"I told you that I want to protect you. And I do. I can kill him if that would make you happy."

"Do you not see the irony of the situation?" asked Mikayla. "You're offering to kill my ex because he assaulted me. And yet you're well . . . " she trailed off. She didn't want to finish that thought.

The muscles in his face tightened. And his hand balled up into a fist. "I'm going to go now," he mumbled.

Before she could say anything else he stood up and left. She was alone again with only her demons to get her through everything. She sat there in stunned silence for way too long before she resumed reading. But she just couldn't get into the books.

She pulled the blanket over herself and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The Celebrity Copycat - A Heartthrob Taleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें