Chapter 1

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Lacey's POV

(5 years old)

It was my first day of I had on my pretty pink dress, kindergarten, my hair in pigtails with matching pink hair bows, my pink light up sneakers. I grabbed my moms hand as she led me to my class. "Are you ready for your first day sweetie?" I nodded excitedly.

"I want to make lots of friends, I am going to find a bestest friend in the whole world today mommy."

We stepped into the class room and I saw lots of other kids talking with each other. "Okay hun have a good first day. I will see you later." I gave her a kiss on the cheek along with a hug.

"Be sure to give daddy a hug and kisses from me. I love you mommy." She kissed my cheek and waved. "Love you sweet heart." I smiled and ran to play with the other kids.

"Hi my name is Lacey. I'm five what's your name?" I asked a little blonde haired girl. "None of your beeswax and what kind of name is Lacey? That's weird." I frowned and walked over to the swings where there was no one situng.

"I like your name. Its fun, and sounds pretty." A green-eyed boy said to me. I looked at him surprised.

"Mine name is Levi. Do you want to play tag?" I nodded excitedtly. "Tag your it." I ran around and he tagged me.

We had spent the whole day together. I think I found the bestest best friend.

(13 years old)

Levi and I were sitting in my living room playing candy land. "So Lace? Ten bucks I could beat you to the park." I held my finger up. I ran down my hall and into my mom and dads room. "Hey mom Levi and I are going to the park. Tell dad I say hi and I miss him if we aren't back when he comes home." She smiled and nodded.

"Alright stay out of trouble." I nodded and smirked at Levi. "You're on Mr. Quarterback." He chuckled. "Shoot I'm the best quarterback there is Prancer."

I called him Mr. Quarterback because you can obviously assume that he plays football, and he calls me Prancer because I have done gymnastics and dance since I could basically walk. "Alright ready let's go."

We both booked it out of the house and down to the park.

I won! Yes ten dollars. "Haha I win." He got a pouty look on his face. "I tripped over a rock." He grabbed ten dollars out of his pocket and smirked. He held it over his head. He was much taller than I was so I had to jump. "Come on give it." I sighed and jumped on his back and grabbed the ten dollars. "Ha! I won."

We walked around the park for hours. Mom didn't mind because it was the neighborhood park which in the deepths of our neighborhood. I climbed up in a tree and watched the sunset. "If you could do one thing, anything, what would it be?" I asked Levi.

"I would go to the future and make sure that we were still best friends." I smiled at him. "Can you promise me something Levi?" He looked at me and nodded. "Promise we will be best friends and have each others backs no matter what. Cross your heart."

He made an "X" over his heart. "I cross my heart."

I heard my name being called and Levi and I looked down at my mom who had tears running down her face. I ran to her and hugged her.

"Mom whats wrong?" She sobbed in my arms for a moment. "Your f-father has been in an accident. He is n-no longer with us sweety."

I froze. My mother walker over to Levis mom and hugged her. I just continued to stand there. My father is dead. I felt someone turn me around and pull me in their arms. Levi. I cried into his chest. "Levi h-hes g-gone." I looked up and he was crying to. I cried even harder. "Shh Lace. Its alright."

Just This Time|✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt