Chapter 25

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The video is how I imaged their duet. Read it then watch it. Or watch it then read it. I do suggest you watch the video though. Enjoy :)

Laceys POV

Today is the showcase. I had read the letter wrong. I only perform the duet and then if they take a full interest in me, I then present my solo. Levi and I had been practicing for the last month. It had been hard since school started back up and he had football, but we made it work.

There are about two hundred different sets of people here and unfortunately, Levi and I are going last. The first group just headed out onto the stage leaving Levi and I with alot of extra time.

I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug. "Hi beautiful." I smiled. "Hi handsome." He rubbed my back. "Are you nervous?" I shook my head and looked up at him. "No, I'm used to performing. You on the other hand, have never performed on a stage. So how are feeling about this?" He took a deep breath. "Nervous but I will do fine because I'm dancing with you." I smirked.

"Well thus could also plan out my life career after high school. So don't screw it up Mr. Quarterback." He chuckled and pecked my lips. "Right, cause that doesn't put any pressure on me at all." I gave him a light squeeze before walking over to my family. "Hey Chrissy." I said before bending down and picking her up. "Hi Lacey." I pinched her cheek.

My mom came over to me and kissed my cheek. "Good luck out there sweetie." I smiled. "Thanks mom." I set Chrissy down and walked over to Victor. He pulled me into a hug. "You'll do great Lacey."


I hugged Levi, nuzzling my head in his neck. "We go on in twenty minutes." I whispered to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. "You will do amazing. Everything will be fine. We've practiced about a billion times." He said gently. I nodded and released my grip on him.

"Hey guys!" Chloe spoke up as she walked towards us. I ran over to her and Justin. I attacked them both with hugs. "Thank you guys for coming!" Justin smiled. "No problem. How soon do you go on?" He asked. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. "Fifteen minutes." Chloe hugged me. "We are going to go sit down."

For the rest of the time, Levi and I just stood holding each other. It seemed to be the quickest fifteen minutes of my life.

Soon enough Levi and I were facing each other out on stage. I placed a peck on his lips before smiling. "This is it."


"Can we have your attention please? There were very talented dancers here tonight and we are so glad to have you participate. Unfortunately only ten of you will be chosen to go to the follow up auditions next month." There was a long pause. "I would like to start with tenth place going up to first."

"Kelcie Jacobs."

"Lea Brown."

"Chris Lee."

"Kay Smith."

"Maia Haise."

"Haley Gee."

Tears welled up in my eyes. They won't call me.

"Ashley Mcgee."

"Kirsten Wu."

"Lin Tucci."

They paused again. "I would like to congratulate our top dancer of the night. We saw much potential in your style and we saw the emotion in your movements. Congratulations."

"Lacey Greene."

I turned to Levi, completely, utterly shocked.


"Why don't we all go back to the house and celebrate with a little pool party and Victor can grill some burgers." My friends nodded. "We will meet you guys there." We went out separate ways.

Levi slipped his fingers through mine, giving it a light squeeze. "I'm so proud of you Lacey." I leaned into his side. "You know I couldn't have done this with out you right?" He shrugged. "Yeah but technically you could've." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well I'm not being technical am I?" He chuckled and opened the car door for me. "Let's go."

They car ride home was filled with laughter, and love. I looked over at Levi who had a slight smile on his face. He glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road. "What?" I shook my head. "Just admiring your ugliness." He stuck his bottom lip out. "Well that just put a huge dent in my ego." I let out a fake laugh. "Ha, your ego is indestructible." He smirked. "Just like something else of mine." I shook my head. "You're gross."

He chuckled. "I didn't know it was bad to have indestructible love for my girlfriend. Get your mind out of the gutter prancer." I felt heat rise to my cheeks. "Aw is my baby embarrassed?" He asked, pulling into my drive way.

I got out of the car and walked up to my front door. "Hey Lace." I went to turn around but I was already pressed up against a wall of my house. Levis lips were on mine, leading the very passionate kiss.

He pulled away and smirked. "I just wanted to do that before we go around family." I smiled and handed Levi the keys so he could unlock the front door.

We quickly changed into our swim attire and ran out back to the pool.

I saw Chloe so I ran and jumped in the water, directly next to her. I pushed off the bottom of the pool and laughed. "Hi Chloe." She smiled. "Hi Lacey." Levi and Justin were on the shallow end of the pool, Chrissy on Levis shoulders. I smiled and nodded towards them.

Chloe and I swam over and stood in front of them. I looked up at Chrissy and smiled. "Hey Chrissy." She jumped off of his shoulders, landing in the water but instantly floating because of her floaties. She smiled at me. "Levi is funny." She mumbled. I smiled and picked her up so she was resting on my hip. "He is funny isn't he?" She nodded her head. "Justin is to." I smiled. "Yeah, they are."

She looked at Chloe and smiled. "Hi. My names Chrissy." She said with a little lisp. "Nice to meet you Chrissy. I'm Chloe." Chrissy giggled and then wiggled out of my arms, swimming over to her dad.

Levi pulled me over to him and placed a kiss on my lips. "Having fun?" I nodded. "I'm happy. I have my family here." I said gesturing to everyone. "Well I'm glad you're happy, you deserve to be happy." I hugged his waist. "So do you." Justin piped in. "Alright you two, enough of the lovely dovey stuff. Let's play a game or something." I laughed because Chloe was tucked in his side and he was rubbing her arm.

"We can start that when you two are done being lovey dovey." I said before sticking my tongue out. He chuckled and pecked Chloes lips before letting her go. "What should we play?" I shrugged. I didn't really care what we played because I was surrounded by the people I love.

I have a boyfriend who just happens to be my best friend. If you ever happen to fall in love with your best friend. Look at your self in the mirror and tell you self something. Tell yourself this because sometimes it's a hassle to be in love with your best friend. Tell yourself...

Just This Time.

Just This Time|✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt