Chapter 14

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Laceys POV

I woke up with my head buried in a warm, comfy, but also firm pillow. I looked up and saw Justin. I smiled to myself and hugged his waist, pulling him closer to me. "Good morning Beautiful." He whispered in my ear. I smiled and planted a soft kiss on his chest. "Hi." He pressed his lips to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly.

"What should we do today?" He asked me. I shrugged in response. I was never good at picking things out to do, it was always Levi who planned things. I sighed, pushing any thoughts of Levi out of my head.

I focused on Justins soft, plump lips. He bit it while smirking. I looked up at his eyes and saw that he was watching me. I felt my cheeks heat up, so I rested my forehead against his chest. He lifted my chin, which caused me to look up at him. He planted a soft, tender, warm, sweet kiss on my lips. "I want to watch your dance practice today."

"I have both gymnastics and dance today." He shrugged. "I want to watch." I nodded and snuggled my head in his neck.

"You two better be dressed when I get up there!" My mom yelled. Okay so she did come home early. This caused me to raise my head from Justins neck. "Mom!" She was standing in the door way now. "OK you guys are dressed." She said with a smirk. I looked at Justin who just happened to be laughing his ass off.

I'm not sure if it was because of what was going on between her and I. Or the fact that she is in a fluffy pink robe, along with matching slippers, along with hair curlers, and a green face mask to bring it all together. She looked like one of those people, from the movies that wants to give them self a spa day. To top it all off, she is carrying another tub of cookie dough.

"What? I like my cookie dough. It's on point." I face palm myself. "Mom, don't. Please. I love you but don't." I broke out into a fit of laughter. "Love you to hun." She walked away and I looked over at Justin. "Your mom is awesome." I kissed his cheek before climbing out of bed and walking downstairs.

I saw that my mom was cooking bacon, and making eggs, along with pancakes. My mom came over to me and smirked. "Jeez, I'm gone for one night and you already have a guy in your bed." I shook my head at her and lighlty laughed. "He is my boyfriend mom, of one day. I wouldn't rush into anything like that." She smiled and nodded. "I know honey, but if you ever want to, just be safe and use protection." I blushed as my mom said this. I felt Justins arms wrap around my waist and his head was resting on my shoulder. "What about protection?" My mom started laughing. "Nothing." I said and turned to face him. "I don't have dance and gym till six tonight but it goes till ten. Two hours of dance and two hours of gym." He nodded and tightend his grip on my waist.

He kissed my lips softly. I heard a click and I looked up and saw my mom had taken a picture of us kissing. I smiled against his lips before pulling away. I rested my head on his chest and looked at my mom. She was smiling softly at us. "Can I talk to Justin really quick?" I nodded and walked out into my living room. I turned the tv on and focused on that.

Justins POV

"She is really happy with you." I smiled to myself. "And I am with her." Her mom gave her a soft smile. "You're her last chance, everyone she has ever loved, they've all gone away. Please don't hurt her." I shook my head. "I would never intentionally hurt her. She is the greatest person I've ever met. She is always happy, even when she isn't okay. She is my everything." I whispered. Her mom looked at me and gave me a hug. "I would love to meet your parents. Maybe we could meet over dinner tonight."

"They are in the Bahamas for the summer." She nodded before she got excitement in her eyes. "Since your parents aren't home, you could stay here. We have an extra room but I'm sure you would just sleep in Laceys bed." She gave me a wink. "I don't want to invade." She shrugged. "Well then, maybe, if you want, she can stay at your house with you." I chuckled lightly. "Ms. Greene, I think you're trying to get rid of your daughter." She smirked.

"How'd ya get so smart?" I laughed lightly and sighed. "You would really let her live with me until my parents get back?" She nodded. "I'm trusting you." She said and looked towards the door. "I just want her to get her mind off of things and it seems that when she is with you, she forgets about all the bad things." I smiled at her. "Ms. Greene, I'm in love with your daughter."

She clapped her hands and gave me a big hug. "Go cuddle with her or something while I pack her bags to go with you."

She walked upstairs while I walked into the living room. "You two were in there for awhile. What were you guys talking about?" I shook my head. "Nothing baby." She blushed at the word baby. I chuckled and pulled her into my chest. "Your mom and I have a surprise for you." She squeezed my waist. "Really? Tell me."

"Not a chance."

Lacey and I were watching a movie when her mom came downstairs. I turned and looked at her. She had two suitcases, a bag of girl things, and a pillow. "Lacey?" She turned around and looked at her mom. "Are you sending me off to another state again?" She laughed lightly. "No, I'm sending you to your boyfriends house." Lacey looked over at me, her mouth slightly open. Her mom walked out of the room. I opened my arms so she could hug me, instead she ran and jumped into my arms. Her legs locked around my waist, and her arms around my neck. I held her against me.

"I can't believe this." She whispered in my ear. "Well believe it because we are going to leave pretty soon." She pressed her lips to mine before letting go of me. I smiled at her as she lightly sang.

I picked up her suit cases and carried them out to the car. When I walked back in she had a whole other bag packed. "It's my gym and dance stuff." I nodded and grabbed it from her. She walked over to her mom and hugged her. "Love you mom."

"Love you to sweetie."

We pulled up to my house and Lacey gasped. "It's so pretty." I smiled at her and parked before getting out of the car. "Come on Lacey."

I unlocked the door and stepped into my house. "You can either sleep in the spare bedroom or in my room." I told her straight forward. She blushed as I said this and lightly mumbled. "Your room." I smiled and carried her bags upstairs.

She looked around my room and awkwardly stood there. "It's just us, make yourself at home." She jumped on my bed and cuddled under the blankets. She looked over a picture frame on my bed side. "You've already graduated?" I nodded. "Last year, just turned nineteen about two months ago." Her eyes widened. "Your nineteen! I thought you were my age." I lightly chuckled. "It's only a two year difference, no big deal."

She nodded and climbed out of my bed. "Where should I put all my clothes?" I pointed to my closet. "I don't use it." She nodded and began putting her clothes away. "Hey if you go in that bag over there, it has my bathroom supplies. Will you put them in the bathroom?" I nodded and grabbed the bag.

As I was putting them away, I pulled out a pair of red lacey thongs. No pun intended. I smirked and heard Lacey gasp. "Hey! Put those down!" I chuckled and stood up, holding them over my head. "You have to get them." She started jumping and jumping. "Give me them." I smirked. "You act like I won't see you in them some day." She smacked my chest. "Don't be gross!"

I chuckled and leaned down and kissed her lips quickly. "Here." She grabbed them out of my hand, blushing. I laughed as she shoved them in the bag. She laid under the blankets and hid. I crawled under them and faced her. "I'm sorry." She smirked.

"Don't worry, I found a whole box of condoms, hidden in your closet." I bit my lip. "So that's where those went." She laughed and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight against my body.

"I'm glad you're living with me."

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