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Planet Owhsis

Arriving in an isolated planet, Yaya in her own cell suits up to see herself wearing a new attire that represents her new change of everything.

"Are you ready." Miss Afrina asks. Yaya sighs then turns herself to see Miss Afrina wearing a new set of battle suit same as her. The two nodds at each other agreeing to their upcoming mission.

"Commander! We are landing in 1 minute."


In the planet, Yaya and Afrina was busy hunting down a power sphere name enerbot. A 7th Generation power sphere that has been hunted down for decades as from the slightest information they only have. Planet Owhsis is the only Planet that has never been step down by anyone because of its unique cold atmosphere in the night time.

The atmosphere decreases in night time making everything cold like winter, the plants the tress and everything that the night touches becomes solid cold.

"Yaya stay close, i have a feeling something or someone is following us." Afrina said then Yaya nodds being cautious to the unknown environment. Just then Afrina sharpens her sight hearing a rustling bush near Yaya, Afrina turns back to see Yaya missing.



"Hey! Let me go!" Yaya yelled while trying to untangle herself from the rope she was tied, captured by a purple robot.

"Huwahaha! I can't believe i outsmart the commander I'm sure Mr. Boss will reward me with something good once i bring you to him!" The purple robot said while dragging the poor maiden behind him.

"What did i even do?" Ask Yaya slight mad.

"I can't answer that since I'm no in position to answer your unavailing questions." The purple robot said continued running.

"Will you just let me go? I need to get out of here before night time rises!" Yaya yelled in the top of her lungs echoing around the place. The purple robot stop as he senses an incoming target towards them.

"Let her go!" someone said.

A girl demanded wearing a yellow battle attire same as Yaya, she has an eye patch high tech glasses with her robotic gloves that emits a yellow sparkling light. Just like Solar the girl can shoot lasers out of her robotic gloves.

"Oh no! They found me!" The purple robot said just then the robot flees fastlt away. Leaving the yellow girl annoyed.

"Its going to your way." The Yellow girl ssid talking to someone in her watch.

"Thanks Raniah. Let me handle it go find commander and tell her we're here." the other one said then the yellow girl nodds flying away.

Back to the purple robot, after getting away Yaya felt dizzy then went totally unconscious. The purple robot stops as he spots another target on his way, the purple robot sweats.

"Oh no!" The purple robot backs away to see a shadow of a boy with its arams loaded with weapons.

"Release her down." The boy demanded scarily, just then the robot sweats thinking of another way escape but it couldn't since he detect two more targets approaching him.

"Please don't hurt me i was just doing what I'm told to." The purple robot surrender then hands off the unconscious maiden to one of the boys.

"Take her away Leo, we'll handle it here." The leader said then deactivates his weapons taking the purple robot away with the two.


Yaya opens her eyes to see herself stared by 6 people and a robot.

She backs away feeling nervous or frightened.

"Commander! She's awake!" the girl called. Just then Afrina came smiling at Yaya.

"Yaya are you feeling okay?" Ask Afrina.

Yaya's POV

I nodded to Afrina then my gaze went to the group staring at me with their different kinds od expression.

"Hi there! We are Commander's disciples. I am Riz the leader of my group." A boy with a brown hair said i introducing himself nicely. He was wearing blue combined with white shirt with a button in his shoulder shirt, blue wrist bands, silver grey pants and blue combine with white boots designed with small blue triangles in it. He was handsome with his skin fair.

"Hi there!" my gaze went to a girl. "I am Raniah the most pretty and social girl in our group!" She was wearing a yellow with small whites hijab. With white dress covered by a yellow dress until her legs, gold fitted sleeves and yellow trousers and a yellow white rubber shoes.

Just then a boy with yellow hair nudges at him.

"Don't mind them. Hi there, i am Kuru I'm a half Japanese and Malaysian. I'm just a normal girl in their group, i love science and i am the smartest one in the group." Kuru said, a girl that has a red short hair, violet tech glasses, she was wearing a red fingerless gloves, semi armor crop top shirt inside her she was wearing a dark green fitted jumper sleeve suit with her semi armor skirt showing her sexy body and has a black top boots. Her outfit was highlighted in magenta pink and black.

"The name's Leo i know I'm handsome, I'm very verse in sports mostly Basketball-" A boy with the yellow hair said keep bragging about himself. "He's talkative sorry." Raniah said chuckling with me. Leo has Yellow hair but his hair was up, he was wearing a red stripped with black colored half cap that reveals his yellow hair. His currently wearing a green and grey shirt and a red hanky around his neck. Dirty white pants, red highlighted black shoes with a high top yellow sucks highlighted in red. He only wears a single wristband in his right hand where his red watch are attached.

"And I'm Devi, sorry I'm quiet shy myself. But I'm a half Indian and half malaysian." A girl said she has a brown long hair tied in low pony with a small round red in her forehead that indian girl's has. She has a green emerald necklace, lose sleeve purple dress design with yellow, green trousers and a purple yellow running shoes. Her watch was hidden inside her lose purple sleeve.

"Hi everyone I'm Yaya Yah. Just a normal citizen from Earth as well." i introduced.

"Are you all humans?" ask Yaya.

"Nope, Leo here is an Alien." Raniah said.

"A handsome alien though." Leo said Praising himself non stop.

"Welcome to our Group Yaya." Kuru welcomed her. Yaya smiles seeing new friends of her own.

"Now now everyone give her time to rest now. Everybody go back to your things." The Commander interrupt, then everyone stops obeying her orders.

"I'm sorry Yaya about them, as Riz said they are my disciples I've trained them for 3 years becoming superheroes confidentially. Since i know you knew the top Superheroes are Boboiboy and his own crew." As Afrina said i stop and started thinking.


Tha name is somehow familiar.

His Lady [BBb FanFic Completed] BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now